
A Look at what important things contribute to your Monroe County, Kentucky Home Insurance rates which can support you in getting a cheap quote.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Monroe County, KY the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Monroe County 8823 4 740
Adolphus 2,799 5 735
Center 1,930 3 739
Russell County 14,106 5 748
White Oak 2,445 11 729
Bethpage, TN 335 3 785
Clinton County 8,143 5 737
Adair County 14,923 5 741
Putnam County, TN 58,421 5 808
Hiseville 2,698 1 760
Overton County, TN 17,578 4 784
Hardyville 3,023 8 747
Settle 3,070 11 751
Park City 453 10 737
Warren County 90,641 6 775
Hart County 14,386 6 744
Glasgow 17,018 5 756
Horse Cave 4,157 6 732
Oakland 164 0 767
Campbellsville 15,131 7 755
Mount Hermon 1,287 3 733

Better incomes in Monroe County, KY lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Monroe County 16,017 740
Plum Springs 19,334 750
Pickett County, TN 22,297 796
Warren County 23,537 775
Brownsville 18,189 748
Trousdale County, TN 20,419 795
Settle 19,810 751
Jackson County, TN 17,561 783
Tompkinsville 15,862 732
Gordonsville, TN 22,442 795
Bryan 19,438 745
Adolphus 13,279 735
Byrdstown, TN 13,901 777
Baxter, TN 14,646 781
Clinton County 15,438 737
White Oak 17,061 729
Woodburn 28,573 780
Monterey, TN 13,840 782
Adair County 16,824 741
Rocky Hill 19,010 759
Russell County 17,471 748

More poverty in Monroe County, KY means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Monroe County 2708 25 740
Graball, TN 0 0 813
Summersville 686 23 731
Gresham 166 10 727
Glens Fork 378 27 739
Jamestown, TN 721 49 777
Peytonsburg 403 14 733
White Oak 735 24 729
Smiths Grove 835 14 757
Mitchellville, TN 37 21 785
Halfway 440 18 746
Hiseville 702 20 760
Smith County, TN 3,351 17 799
Holland 169 12 746
Baxter, TN 399 26 781
Algood, TN 683 20 815
Rocky Hill 560 16 759
Gradyville 654 28 736
Hardyville 868 22 747
Burkesville 1,199 29 739
Carthage, TN 586 30 795

Advanced Education levels in Monroe County, KY implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Monroe County 474 6 740
Powersburg 67 2 733
Smiths Grove 618 16 757
Bowling Green 8,835 18 780
Hartsville/Trousdale County, TN 328 6 802
Albany 204 4 740
South Carthage, TN 92 8 797
Temple Hill 139 5 766
White Oak 115 5 729
Rocky Hill 225 9 759
Bryan 63 5 745
Carthage, TN 74 4 795
Castalian Springs, TN 48 12 780
Clay County, TN 295 5 789
Marrowbone 0 0 731
Mount Hermon 88 7 733
Settle 207 8 751
Gradyville 104 7 736
Hart County 575 4 744
Putnam County, TN 6,361 13 808
Plum Springs 18 5 750