
Your location in West Monroe, Louisiana impacts your home insurance rate & you need to account for this when you get quotes & buy insurance.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in West Monroe, LA the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
West Monroe 9993 3 1264
Athens 281 18 1,199
Jonesboro 3,747 3 1,214
Mer Rouge 514 0 1,276
Sicily Island 389 8 1,239
Lapile, AR 1,729 3 1,040
Ruston 18,322 7 1,287
Caldwell 7,983 3 1,222
Monroe 37,053 6 1,269
Lucky 264 6 1,208
Junction City, AR 415 2 1,061
Tullos 276 9 1,216
Wilmington, AR 384 3 1,045
Columbia 306 5 1,224
Start 620 8 1,260
Urania 1,082 2 1,209
Pioneer 227 4 1,226
Bryceland 67 0 1,215
Forest 221 5 1,242
Ouachita 118,105 4 1,264
Oak Ridge 135 0 1,237

Better incomes in West Monroe, LA lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
West Monroe 22,232 1,264
Extra, AR 13,799 1,045
Lincoln 20,450 1,262
Banks Springs 15,393 1,222
Calhoun 30,443 1,272
Monroe 20,330 1,269
Clarks 11,630 1,200
Simsboro 21,174 1,242
Pioneer 11,157 1,226
Ouachita 22,343 1,264
Calvin 19,749 1,245
Athens 22,346 1,199
Bryceland 30,677 1,215
Arcadia 15,427 1,221
Union County, AR 21,208 1,080
Quitman 24,917 1,228
Bonita 11,675 1,213
Morehouse 16,518 1,233
Eros 9,793 1,190
Junction City 11,964 1,282
Felsenthal, AR 15,202 1,056

More poverty in West Monroe, LA means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
West Monroe 3013 23 1264
Mer Rouge 183 35 1,276
Urania 24 4 1,209
Winnfield 1,470 31 1,226
Elon, AR 29 9 1,074
Richwood 487 42 1,207
Extra, AR 211 39 1,045
Saline 113 32 1,198
Rayville 1,441 39 1,227
Clarks 317 49 1,200
Georgetown 126 28 1,232
Lillie 8 7 1,211
Sikes 14 10 1,208
Jordan Hill 231 44 1,265
Dubach 193 23 1,235
Oak Grove 578 34 1,222
Epps 90 20 1,217
Junction City 235 42 1,282
Bienville 3,911 28 1,216
Pioneer 29 8 1,226
Bryceland 20 23 1,215

Advanced Education levels in West Monroe, LA implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
West Monroe 1151 13 1264
Rayville 177 8 1,227
Urania 24 2 1,209
Collinston 10 5 1,186
Baskin 9 4 1,204
Marais Saline, AR 0 0 1,059
Vienna 69 20 1,291
Calhoun 110 18 1,272
Eros 0 0 1,190
Caldwell 465 6 1,222
Chatham 35 7 1,209
Mangham 13 3 1,218
Wilmot, AR 42 7 1,061
Union County, AR 3,138 11 1,080
Lucky 21 8 1,208
Simsboro 39 5 1,242
Richwood 33 1 1,207
Grambling 249 10 1,235
Dodson 17 6 1,198
Mount Lebanon 15 28 1,292
Delhi 167 8 1,230