
See what's important for Shrewsbury, Massachusetts Home Insurance to get a good deal from a top insurance company.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Shrewsbury, MA the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Shrewsbury 27299 4 1059
Medfield 9,040 3 1,122
Marlborough 31,816 4 1,050
Douglas 6,380 8 1,038
Oxford 10,729 5 1,027
Hopedale 4,543 5 1,055
Middlesex County 1,226,078 4 1,072
Hubbardston 3,479 7 1,026
Paxton 3,829 2 1,042
Berlin 2,340 4 1,075
Groton 8,109 3 1,096
East Brookfield 1,775 6 1,024
Auburn 13,315 4 1,023
South Lancaster 1,557 3 1,023
Littleton 6,915 2 1,069
Weston 8,653 3 1,263
Harrisville, RI 1,958 3 1,103
Milford 21,942 5 1,043
Clinton 10,970 7 1,025
Wellesley 21,687 3 1,220
Cordaville 1,888 5 1,100

Better incomes in Shrewsbury, MA lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Shrewsbury 39,531 1,059
North Grosvenor Dale, CT 23,908 835
Lunenburg 35,944 1,035
Grafton 39,490 1,053
Quinebaug, CT 32,566 869
Wayland 65,981 1,143
Brookfield 28,619 1,006
Wellesley 71,369 1,220
New Braintree 32,996 1,032
Uxbridge 34,683 1,036
Franklin Town 40,400 1,069
Bolton 54,018 1,099
Millbury 33,890 1,035
Littleton Common 37,147 1,058
Acton 52,880 1,104
South Lancaster 32,419 1,023
Norfolk 42,915 1,091
Sherborn 75,030 1,182
Holden 40,293 1,034
Rutland 31,804 1,035
North Brookfield 28,463 1,016

More poverty in Shrewsbury, MA means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Shrewsbury 1597 4 1059
Groton 338 3 1,096
Hudson 1,187 6 1,048
Hopkinton 326 2 1,105
Bellingham 520 3 1,038
Dover 79 1 1,243
Princeton 149 4 1,061
Grafton 1,110 6 1,053
West Boylston 234 4 1,036
Holden 480 2 1,034
Worcester County 79,883 10 1,031
Fitchburg 7,274 19 1,012
Paxton 192 4 1,042
Barre 237 4 1,022
Ashland 723 4 1,056
Weston 297 2 1,263
Webster 2,297 14 1,019
Littleton 372 4 1,069
Auburn 1,000 6 1,023
Holliston 589 4 1,065
Millville 275 8 1,030

Advanced Education levels in Shrewsbury, MA implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Shrewsbury 7015 29 1059
Worcester County 111,116 20 1,031
Concord 4,021 31 1,166
Boylston 839 27 1,059
Shirley 788 14 1,042
Groton 2,735 39 1,096
West Brookfield 545 20 1,025
Littleton Common 492 24 1,058
Milford 4,647 24 1,043
Medway 2,743 32 1,064
Harvard 1,288 27 1,131
Millis 1,542 26 1,059
Paxton 799 26 1,042
West Concord 1,236 25 1,114
Hudson 3,115 22 1,048
Bellingham 2,649 23 1,038
Oakham 257 20 1,035
East Brookfield 272 18 1,024
Dudley 1,334 18 1,026
Harrisville, RI 149 8 1,103
Medfield 2,680 34 1,122