
Your home location & surrounding characteristics count a lot towards your Amherst Center, Massachusetts Home rate. Use it to get a good deal.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Amherst Center, MA the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Amherst Center 18545 7 1053
Middlefield 340 2 1,013
Leyden 598 2 1,019
Wilbraham 11,603 3 1,043
Palmer Town 10,027 7 1,008
Erving 1,344 8 1,005
Wendell 924 6 1,008
Templeton 6,208 6 1,015
Fiskdale 2,150 2 1,030
Westfield 33,529 4 1,018
Cummington 829 3 1,040
Agawam Town 23,282 4 1,018
Chicopee 45,393 6 1,003
Blandford 948 2 1,023
Warwick 568 4 1,003
Plainfield 475 5 1,014
Westhampton 1,304 3 1,051
Gill 1,338 2 1,020
Athol 9,068 8 996
Pelham 1,123 2 1,046
Hazardville, CT 3,857 5 835

Better incomes in Amherst Center, MA lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Amherst Center 12,117 1,053
West Brookfield 30,599 1,025
Northfield 31,829 1,022
Hatfield 32,080 1,034
Plainfield 30,138 1,014
Millers Falls 22,180 1,002
Westhampton 34,542 1,051
Worthington 34,375 1,023
Brookfield 28,619 1,006
Athol 22,492 996
Heath 30,835 1,019
South Amherst 25,860 1,051
Shutesbury 38,707 1,030
Blandford 33,499 1,023
Wilbraham 40,566 1,043
Hazardville, CT 34,346 835
Warwick 33,221 1,003
Middlefield 31,374 1,013
Sunderland 31,784 1,037
Suffield, CT 39,646 882
Phillipston 27,178 1,015

More poverty in Amherst Center, MA means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Amherst Center 1830 30 1053
Hazardville, CT 100 2 835
Montague 1,324 15 1,013
Chicopee 7,473 13 1,003
Russell 74 4 1,014
South Hadley 1,019 6 1,021
Royalston 100 9 1,003
Sherwood Manor, CT 134 2 841
Heath 57 10 1,019
Barre 237 4 1,022
Westfield 3,343 8 1,018
Greenfield Town 2,747 16 1,002
Hampshire County 16,066 11 1,029
Thompsonville, CT 1,580 18 837
Northfield 142 4 1,022
Williamsburg 192 7 1,033
Suffield, CT 211 1 882
Sunderland 656 18 1,037
Peru 51 5 1,003
Brimfield 159 4 1,031
Enfield, CT 2,655 6 839

Advanced Education levels in Amherst Center, MA implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Amherst Center 956 26 1053
Franklin County 9,579 18 1,017
Hampden County 45,966 15 1,009
Brookfield 436 17 1,006
Heath 53 12 1,019
South Amherst 590 26 1,051
Williamsburg 501 24 1,033
Agawam Town 3,304 16 1,018
Chesterfield 169 19 1,034
Belchertown 351 18 1,024
Cummington 179 24 1,040
East Brookfield 272 18 1,024
Baldwinville 235 16 1,020
Westfield 4,709 17 1,018
Gill 213 18 1,020
Wendell 214 25 1,008
Oakham 257 20 1,035
Westhampton 190 16 1,051
Ware 871 12 1,011
Turners Falls 447 13 1,008
Sunderland 633 28 1,037