
A Look at what important things contribute to your Barre, Massachusetts Home Insurance rates which can support you in getting a cheap quote.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Barre, MA the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Barre 4319 6 1022
Fitzwilliam, NH 2,122 4 689
Whately 1,345 3 1,032
Northfield 2,513 3 1,022
Holden 13,588 5 1,034
Boylston 3,471 2 1,059
Sunderland 3,185 1 1,037
Montague 7,057 5 1,013
Erving 1,344 8 1,005
Greenville, NH 1,939 8 679
North Amherst 7,108 6 1,048
Devens 1,602 4 1,056
Petersham 1,071 5 1,052
Turners Falls 3,819 7 1,008
Millers Falls 759 5 1,002
Wilbraham 11,603 3 1,043
Clinton 10,970 7 1,025
Leverett 1,522 3 1,047
Warren 4,170 6 1,017
Deerfield 4,164 3 1,036
Gardner 16,598 6 1,005

Better incomes in Barre, MA lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Barre 32,857 1,022
Westborough 46,182 1,077
Leverett 40,003 1,047
Oakham 32,429 1,035
Ashby 31,627 1,029
Richmond, NH 28,452 695
Baldwinville 26,889 1,020
Hadley 34,366 1,055
Fitzwilliam, NH 30,995 689
Lancaster 30,150 1,051
West Boylston 30,102 1,036
Greenville, NH 23,917 679
Amherst 19,837 1,056
Princeton 43,774 1,061
South Hadley 30,114 1,021
Oxford 30,275 1,027
Pelham 53,791 1,046
Greenfield Town 26,258 1,002
New Braintree 32,996 1,032
Westminster 31,891 1,031
Ware 27,905 1,011

More poverty in Barre, MA means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Barre 237 4 1022
Deerfield 264 5 1,036
Hatfield 444 13 1,034
Gardner 2,490 13 1,005
Amherst Center 1,830 30 1,053
Hardwick 462 15 1,028
New Salem 73 7 1,016
Devens 231 39 1,056
South Hadley 1,019 6 1,021
Wilbraham 427 3 1,043
South Ashburnham 15 1 1,007
Belchertown 422 15 1,024
Lunenburg 532 5 1,035
South Amherst 759 20 1,051
Clinton 1,275 9 1,025
Shirley 640 11 1,042
Athol 1,596 14 996
Shrewsbury 1,597 4 1,059
Templeton 999 12 1,015
Millers Falls 201 21 1,002
Holden 480 2 1,034

Advanced Education levels in Barre, MA implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Barre 638 17 1022
Leicester 1,311 16 1,029
Rutland 1,257 24 1,035
Boylston 839 27 1,059
Princeton 922 39 1,061
Warren 536 15 1,017
Erving 170 14 1,005
South Amherst 590 26 1,051
Millbury 1,824 19 1,035
Westminster 1,187 23 1,031
Belchertown 351 18 1,024
Westborough 4,271 33 1,077
Shrewsbury 7,015 29 1,059
Townsend 1,351 22 1,030
Holden 3,437 28 1,034
Devens 160 12 1,056
Montague 997 16 1,013
Ware 871 12 1,011
Monson Center 307 22 1,017
New Ipswich, NH 688 20 710
Southbridge Town 1,159 10 1,014