
See what's important for Southwick, Massachusetts Home Insurance to get a good deal from a top insurance company.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Southwick, MA the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Southwick 7755 4 1020
Westfield 33,529 4 1,018
Collinsville, CT 2,900 5 870
Williamsburg 2,263 2 1,033
Granville 1,211 6 1,037
Simsbury Center, CT 4,590 4 873
Palmer Town 10,027 7 1,008
New Hartford Center, CT 1,202 9 846
Granby 5,140 2 1,023
Manchester, CT 47,315 5 844
Somers, CT 9,586 4 886
Hartford County, CT 715,281 6 856
Bloomfield, CT 17,644 6 849
Colebrook, CT 1,257 5 865
Stafford Springs, CT 4,098 6 839
Weatogue, CT 2,137 1 883
Springfield 117,010 8 994
Westhampton 1,304 3 1,051
Wilbraham 11,603 3 1,043
Canton Valley, CT 1,206 3 862
Winsted, CT 6,047 6 836

Better incomes in Southwick, MA lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Southwick 34,113 1,020
Easthampton Town 31,282 1,019
Williamsburg 35,529 1,033
Springfield 18,016 994
East Windsor, CT 33,078 854
Blue Hills, CT 23,269 829
Hatfield 32,080 1,034
Southwood Acres, CT 32,498 843
Suffield, CT 39,646 882
New Marlborough 33,966 1,066
Agawam Town 30,672 1,018
Rockville, CT 23,079 831
Wilbraham 40,566 1,043
Newington, CT 36,209 851
Longmeadow 52,122 1,055
Worthington 34,375 1,023
Southampton 33,391 1,046
East Granby, CT 42,999 862
East Longmeadow 36,499 1,030
Somers, CT 34,655 886
South Amherst 25,860 1,051

More poverty in Southwick, MA means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Southwick 491 5 1020
Salmon Brook, CT 44 1 859
South Amherst 759 20 1,051
Stafford Springs, CT 480 9 839
Suffield, CT 211 1 882
Avon, CT 856 4 907
Blandford 35 3 1,023
Hampden County 76,839 17 1,009
Worthington 54 4 1,023
West Hartford, CT 4,029 6 875
Ellington, CT 420 2 866
Holyoke 11,918 30 1,007
Northampton 3,355 13 1,034
Otis 149 11 1,052
Bloomfield, CT 1,703 8 849
Chesterfield 59 5 1,034
East Longmeadow 594 3 1,030
Sherwood Manor, CT 134 2 841
Simsbury, CT 15 0 925
Tariffville, CT 16 1 847
Windsor Locks, CT 1,033 8 844

Advanced Education levels in Southwick, MA implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Southwick 1183 17 1020
Monson 1,193 19 1,023
West Springfield 3,534 18 1,013
Tariffville, CT 193 19 847
Wethersfield, CT 4,603 23 861
Worthington 122 12 1,023
Chesterfield 169 19 1,034
Middlefield 23 7 1,013
Salmon Brook, CT 505 26 859
Southampton 674 16 1,046
Burlington, CT 1,741 27 885
Suffield Depot, CT 316 35 907
Becket 250 17 1,025
Belchertown 351 18 1,024
Broad Brook, CT 619 21 857
Sandisfield 133 19 1,022
Manchester, CT 8,952 21 844
Collinsville, CT 799 31 870
Harwinton, CT 923 22 881
Farmington, CT 5,409 30 889
Enfield, CT 5,030 15 839