
Understand the socioeconomic Factors around your Cecil County, Maryland home to save money on your homeowners insurance rate.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Cecil County, MD the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Cecil County 79037 5 701
Aberdeen Proving Ground 1,336 5 633
Charlestown 859 9 691
East Nottingham, PA 5,852 5 784
Upper Christiana, DE 20,849 6 777
Avondale, PA 1,126 5 755
Hancocks Bridge, NJ 131 12 827
Lower Oxford, PA 4,196 3 763
Elkton 11,817 4 690
Delta, PA 525 8 726
West Marlborough, PA 662 2 808
Harford County 192,689 4 709
Brookside, DE 11,327 6 767
West Grove, PA 2,186 5 739
Red Lion, DE 7,100 3 797
Highland, PA 970 2 770
Sudlersville 282 5 681
West Nottingham, PA 1,977 3 738
Little Britain, PA 2,813 3 757
Piedmont, DE 23,061 2 845
Elsmere, DE 4,853 7 755

Better incomes in Cecil County, MD lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Cecil County 29,025 701
Kennett Square, PA 23,413 756
Avondale, PA 17,277 755
Colerain, PA 21,826 777
Clayton, DE 23,141 769
Upper Christiana, DE 29,992 777
Chestertown 24,243 705
Edgewood 23,840 682
Millington 25,601 674
Atglen, PA 27,268 760
West Fallowfield, PA 23,346 751
Chesapeake City 33,070 700
West Nottingham, PA 23,655 738
Butlertown 21,388 663
Susquehanna Trails, PA 28,962 745
Elk, PA 34,388 790
East Nottingham, PA 30,862 784
Cochranville, PA 29,654 742
Highland, PA 27,789 770
Wilmington Manor, DE 20,315 765
East Drumore, PA 25,152 743

More poverty in Cecil County, MD means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Cecil County 9547 9 701
London Grove, PA 157 2 794
Fairlee 56 25 698
East Nottingham, PA 726 8 784
East Marlborough, PA 107 1 839
Fulton, PA 521 16 725
Bart, PA 359 11 762
Cecilton 38 6 689
Upper Christiana, DE 1,887 7 777
Bel Air 999 3 719
Glasgow, DE 1,999 5 792
Drumore, PA 517 20 756
Piedmont, DE 880 3 845
New London, PA 208 3 807
Elsinboro, NJ 32 3 828
New Garden, PA 1,058 8 837
Hockessin, DE 538 4 835
Little Britain, PA 364 8 757
Delta, PA 40 6 726
Kenton, DE 433 6 783
West Fallowfield, PA 506 19 751

Advanced Education levels in Cecil County, MD implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Cecil County 9346 13 701
Glasgow, DE 6,615 25 792
Quarryville, PA 274 14 745
Drumore, PA 141 9 756
Kirkwood, PA 15 16 849
Colerain, PA 243 11 777
Aberdeen Proving Ground 146 21 633
Eden, PA 89 7 759
Little Britain, PA 263 11 757
Peach Bottom, PA 252 7 740
Harford County 31,667 19 709
Butlertown 40 13 663
Kingstown 168 11 698
Lincoln University, PA 13 26 657
Elsinboro, NJ 102 12 828
West Marlborough, PA 162 26 808
Newport, DE 60 8 762
Kenton, DE 316 6 783
Cochranville, PA 41 7 742
Delta, PA 29 6 726
Salem, NJ 173 5 797