
Your location in Glassmanor, Maryland impacts your home insurance rate & you need to account for this when you get quotes & buy insurance.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Glassmanor, MD the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Glassmanor 13381 10 701
Chevy Chase Section Three 543 2 899
Lee, VA 99,663 4 785
Prince George's County 684,215 6 708
Brookmont 2,770 2 875
Brock Hall 6,789 5 733
Adelphi 11,908 7 695
Chevy Chase Village 1,558 2 898
Upper Marlboro 521 1 702
Bailey's Crossroads, VA 18,355 5 765
Lanham 7,222 6 703
Idylwood, VA 13,586 3 811
Alexandria, VA 118,211 3 816
Rosaryville 8,951 4 722
Chevy Chase Section Five 559 5 899
Fort Washington 20,223 6 724
New Carrollton 9,057 7 701
Summerfield 9,242 6 692
Newington, VA 9,794 4 800
Accokeek 8,251 4 727
Marlboro Village 8,052 5 705

Better incomes in Glassmanor, MD lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Glassmanor 25,815 701
Franconia, VA 49,903 785
Seven Corners, VA 31,191 783
Cottage City 22,977 684
Riverdale Park 25,666 711
Chevy Chase Section Three 101,477 899
Somerset 107,686 899
Huntington, VA 47,369 771
Martin's Additions 99,346 898
Brock Hall 48,234 733
Camp Springs 36,195 710
Forestville 28,378 688
Marlboro Village 39,953 705
Friendship Heights Village 71,250 733
Chevy Chase 91,322 861
Arlington, VA 61,312 850
Hayfield, VA 47,483 810
Brandywine 39,113 712
Andrews AFB 22,662 630
Belle Haven, VA 65,156 758
Chevy Chase Village 176,205 898

More poverty in Glassmanor, MD means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Glassmanor 1675 9 701
Washington, DC 105,606 18 1,147
Camp Springs 543 2 710
Fairmount Heights 142 9 690
Arlington, VA 14,935 7 850
Cheverly 446 7 718
Colmar Manor 168 11 688
Brock Hall 268 2 733
Friendly 372 3 725
Arlington County, VA 14,935 7 845
Chevy Chase Section Three 26 3 899
Hyattsville 1,846 10 708
Idylwood, VA 918 5 811
Chevy Chase Village 36 1 898
Largo 792 7 706
Hayfield, VA 13 0 810
Oxon Hill 1,473 7 702
Kingstowne, VA 526 3 810
Mount Rainier 1,457 17 706
Kettering 512 3 712
College Park 5,444 29 711

Advanced Education levels in Glassmanor, MD implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Glassmanor 1214 11 701
Chevy Chase Section Five 106 22 899
Chevy Chase Village 389 28 898
Westphalia 767 16 706
Groveton, VA 1,801 18 788
National Harbor 347 13 699
Colmar Manor 62 7 688
Lincolnia, VA 4,010 26 799
Clinton 3,768 15 716
Hillcrest Heights 1,159 11 691
Summerfield 1,100 14 692
Marlboro Village 1,437 21 705
Fairmount Heights 67 6 690
Queenland 400 27 757
Lee, VA 21,564 24 785
Hayfield, VA 947 35 810
Forestville 862 10 688
Hybla Valley, VA 1,838 17 767
Springdale 470 28 734
Marlow Heights 495 12 705
Rose Hill, VA 3,169 23 797