
Your home location & surrounding characteristics count a lot towards your Clarksburg, Maryland Home rate. Use it to get a good deal.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Clarksburg, MD the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Clarksburg 9583 4 755
Libertytown 854 3 722
Kemp Mill 9,525 2 738
Monrovia 298 0 732
Rosemont 284 5 722
Countryside, VA 7,785 1 788
Forest Glen 5,502 3 745
Poolesville 3,841 3 748
Moorefield Station, VA 94 0 666
Brunswick 4,276 4 687
Travilah 9,256 2 898
Burtonsville 6,521 4 750
New Market 482 1 713
Jefferson 1,464 2 729
Martin's Additions 618 2 898
Germantown 67,119 5 715
Brookeville 133 2 822
Point of Rocks 1,126 2 703
Leesburg, VA 31,148 4 784
Dulles Town Center, VA 4,161 4 778
Great Falls, VA 12,010 2 981

Better incomes in Clarksburg, MD lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Clarksburg 44,821 755
Redland 40,119 742
Broad Run, VA 49,337 810
Potomac 86,604 866
Garrett Park 61,139 825
Sandy Spring 57,514 822
Mount Airy 36,373 723
Brunswick 26,621 687
Moorefield Station, VA 56,464 666
Burtonsville 41,868 750
Lansdowne, VA 59,524 836
Dranesville, VA 69,586 891
Dulles Town Center, VA 37,265 778
Cascades, VA 53,972 808
Countryside, VA 48,458 788
Walkersville 34,597 706
Ballenger Creek 33,525 702
Leesburg, VA 37,724 784
Olney 47,664 762
Adamstown 41,771 743
New Market 37,327 713

More poverty in Clarksburg, MD means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Clarksburg 112 0 755
Montgomery County 63,154 6 752
Glen Echo 6 2 836
Sykesville 174 4 724
Middletown 21 0 725
Garrett Park 9 0 825
Reston, VA 4,759 8 805
Washington Grove 9 1 760
Dulles Town Center, VA 494 9 778
Chevy Chase Section Three 26 3 899
Jefferson 115 6 729
Lansdowne, VA 182 1 836
Wolf Trap, VA 282 1 918
Ashburn, VA 1,197 2 805
Frederick County 13,091 5 716
Chevy Chase View 3 0 876
Potomac 1,330 2 866
Somerset 19 1 899
Redland 1,245 7 742
Barnesville 2 1 797
Spencerville 63 4 760

Advanced Education levels in Clarksburg, MD implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Clarksburg 2774 32 755
Potomac 9,706 30 866
Braddock Heights 488 25 714
Countryside, VA 2,091 31 788
Somerset 226 27 899
Fairland 4,187 27 718
Bartonsville 178 22 715
Gaithersburg 11,687 28 730
Sandy Spring 998 26 822
Rosemont 36 15 722
Poolesville 924 29 748
Bethesda 12,579 29 851
Middletown 945 37 725
Garrett Park 213 30 825
Frederick County 35,373 22 716
Oak Grove, VA 426 41 749
White Oak 2,962 26 737
Cascades, VA 2,982 37 808
Chevy Chase 1,907 28 861
Adamstown 373 25 743
Wheaton 5,615 17 722