
Study the bigger picture of the Forest Heights, MD home insurance market so you can think like an insurance company & get a great deal.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Forest Heights, MD the costlier the insurance

City Unemploymed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Forest Heights 1843 7 694
Seat Pleasant 3,620 9 683
Glassmanor 13,381 10 701
Wakefield, VA 9,557 2 846
Idylwood, VA 13,586 3 811
Franconia, VA 15,331 2 785
Peppermill Village 3,774 10 689
Fort Hunt, VA 12,529 2 864
Upper Marlboro 521 1 702
Accokeek 8,251 4 727
North Brentwood 419 6 701
Bladensburg 7,110 8 686
Newington, VA 9,794 4 800
Groveton, VA 11,021 6 788
Huntington, VA 9,805 2 771
Landover 17,124 8 688
New Carrollton 9,057 7 701
Lake Barcroft, VA 7,819 3 852
Fairmount Heights 1,193 13 690
Friendship Heights Village 4,991 2 733
Springdale 2,028 7 734

Better incomes in Forest Heights, MD lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Forest Heights 30305 694
Capitol Heights 26,576 689
Peppermill Village 25,191 689
Martin's Additions 99,346 898
Seat Pleasant 26,176 683
Kettering 40,044 712
Takoma Park 39,830 757
Fort Hunt, VA 68,560 864
Accokeek 44,333 727
Franconia, VA 49,903 785
Annandale, VA 35,920 793
Langley Park 16,535 688
Glassmanor 25,815 701
Westphalia 41,836 706
Seven Corners, VA 31,191 783
Groveton, VA 32,949 788
Hyattsville 26,892 708
Friendship Heights Village 71,250 733
Kingstowne, VA 58,101 810
Marlboro Village 39,953 705
Mount Rainier 26,180 706

More poverty in Forest Heights, MD means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Forest Heights 117 5 694
Somerset 19 1 899
Hybla Valley, VA 2,206 14 767
Woodlawn, VA 1,580 8 753
Queenland 240 12 757
Brentwood 403 13 701
Prince George's County 73,215 8 708
Friendship Heights Village 377 7 733
Franconia, VA 446 2 785
University Park 272 10 749
Kingstowne, VA 526 3 810
Suitland 2,358 9 690
Glassmanor 1,675 9 701
Fort Washington 1,080 4 724
Chillum 5,740 16 703
Summerfield 681 5 692
Springdale 25 0 734
Edmonston 144 10 693
Westphalia 351 5 706
Groveton, VA 1,418 10 788
Landover 3,545 15 688

Advanced Education levels in Forest Heights, MD implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Forest Heights 240 15 694
Friendship Heights Village 1,496 31 733
Lincolnia, VA 4,010 26 799
Fairmount Heights 67 6 690
Mount Rainier 911 16 706
Springfield, VA 4,868 30 800
Belle Haven, VA 1,572 31 758
Marlow Heights 495 12 705
Chevy Chase Section Five 106 22 899
Peppermill Village 233 7 689
New Carrollton 969 12 701
Glassmanor 1,214 11 701
Huntington, VA 2,603 29 771
Clinton 3,768 15 716
Chevy Chase 1,907 28 861
Prince George's County 96,558 17 708
Mount Vernon, VA 20,460 28 814
Fort Hunt, VA 3,921 33 864
Kings Park, VA 868 28 802
Newington, VA 2,552 30 800
Seven Corners, VA 1,508 24 783