
Here is what is significant in Industry, ME Home Insurance so you can use it to get a cheap rate from multiple companies.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Industry, ME the costlier the insurance

City Unemploymed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Industry 742 7 672
Mount Vernon 1,295 0 668
New Portland 710 7 644
West Gardiner 2,807 5 667
Anson 2,087 7 637
Rumford 4,759 8 643
Kingfield 958 5 656
Sumner 857 7 654
Kingsbury 17 0 647
Unity 1,896 5 662
Ripley 443 3 655
Highland 70 1 667
Cambridge 419 7 639
Coplin 69 14 670
Vassalboro 3,526 5 667
Augusta 16,190 5 655
Franklin County 25,434 5 657
Manchester 2,144 2 680
Hartford 978 10 669
Sidney 3,235 1 671
Phillips 959 7 650

Better incomes in Industry, ME lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Industry 20211 672
Solon 22,548 645
Hallowell 42,774 677
Sidney 24,494 671
China 23,222 661
Dallas 21,958 686
Fairfield 23,776 650
Pittsfield 22,455 646
East Central Franklin 25,570 685
Ripley 16,973 655
St. Albans 17,575 651
Winthrop 28,462 670
Kingfield 19,889 656
Unity 17,187 662
Temple 20,044 651
Sandy River 28,850 654
Carthage 18,268 637
Hartland 21,827 645
Wellington 15,181 635
Roxbury 24,781 646
Leeds 24,243 672

More poverty in Industry, ME means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Industry 120 13 672
Augusta 3,351 18 655
Mexico 823 30 642
Coplin 0 0 670
Milton 12 15 594
Farmingdale 713 24 667
Andover 74 11 659
Detroit 161 17 645
Kingsbury 0 0 647
Sumner 195 19 654
Harmony 142 17 646
Hartland 323 20 645
St. Albans 598 31 651
Canaan 351 16 646
Fayette 81 6 667
Vassalboro 619 14 667
Moscow 66 14 638
Buckfield 251 13 664
Winthrop 577 9 670
Avon 112 19 650
Cornville 177 12 659

Advanced Education levels in Industry, ME implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Industry 141 21 672
Moscow 14 3 638
Augusta 2,006 14 655
Starks 43 12 631
Farmington 872 18 656
Smithfield 111 13 654
Palmyra 126 8 652
Wilton 262 9 650
Byron 4 6 655
Weld 86 26 655
Benton 151 7 653
Hartland 86 6 645
Athens 94 12 638
Monmouth 407 14 670
Oakland 575 13 662
Canton 98 12 646
Coplin 5 7 670
Pleasant Ridge 3 3 640
New Sharon 110 11 659
Chisholm 87 10 648
New Portland 37 5 644