
Understand the socioeconomic Factors around your Ellsworth, Maine home to save money on your homeowners insurance rate.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Ellsworth, ME the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Ellsworth 6431 7 673
Glenburn 3,557 5 671
Central Hancock 74 6 636
Belmont 842 5 665
Bar Harbor 4,539 4 727
Dixmont 977 6 660
Winter Harbor 407 4 657
Isle au Haut 80 7 652
Argyle 213 3 650
Brooks 763 7 656
Bangor 27,452 4 662
Monroe 824 2 663
Hancock County 45,848 5 679
Knox 603 5 653
Surry 1,453 3 683
Steuben 827 7 655
Hampden 5,786 2 667
Milbridge 1,190 9 660
Trenton 1,223 5 688
Orrington 3,092 3 675
Lincolnville 1,880 4 683

Better incomes in Ellsworth, ME lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Ellsworth 27,850 673
Jackson 20,961 667
Winter Harbor 29,769 657
Prospect 22,792 666
Hampden 32,933 667
Hancock County 28,071 679
Northport 29,155 677
Brooklin 31,573 685
Argyle 22,921 650
Otis 37,925 675
Belfast 21,412 661
Great Pond 37,348 680
Verona Island 22,959 671
Tremont 26,196 695
Islesboro 41,575 720
Deblois 24,398 629
Trenton 27,014 688
Franklin 20,047 666
Greenbush 19,587 646
Stonington 25,530 672
Aurora 28,148 669

More poverty in Ellsworth, ME means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Ellsworth 668 8 673
Swans Island 6 1 696
Hudson 240 17 655
Lincolnville 124 5 683
Great Pond 0 0 680
Penobscot Indian Island 252 36 630
Castine 180 18 790
Brewer 956 10 665
Bucksport 967 19 650
Eddington 214 9 661
Waltham 59 20 655
Gouldsboro 245 14 675
Surry 177 10 683
Swanville 245 18 657
Winterport 263 7 660
Newburgh 88 5 665
Osborn 6 9 656
Penobscot 151 15 670
Milford 309 10 656
Harbor 414 22 700
Belfast 1,497 22 661

Advanced Education levels in Ellsworth, ME implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Ellsworth 1214 20 673
Isle au Haut 11 17 652
Hermon 638 16 673
Hudson 101 9 655
Orrington 602 21 675
Blue Hill 461 23 680
Beddington 5 9 662
Waltham 21 9 655
Etna 124 13 667
Sullivan 132 15 667
Islesboro 141 26 720
Central Hancock 12 17 636
Central Penobscot 9 7 639
Harrington 50 6 641
Alton 73 11 649
Camden 1,353 34 705
Hancock County 8,103 20 679
Bucksport 707 21 650
Dixmont 117 13 660
Brewer 1,372 19 665
Harbor 299 22 700