
A Look at what important things contribute to your Frankfort, ME Home Insurance rates which can support you in getting a cheap quote.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Frankfort, ME the costlier the insurance

City Unemploymed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Frankfort 1077 7 643
Dixmont 977 6 660
Brewer 8,065 3 665
Brooklin 858 1 685
Hope 1,283 2 686
Searsport 2,144 6 670
Winslow 6,270 5 659
Plymouth 957 5 654
Penobscot 978 2 670
Brooks 763 7 656
Canaan 1,777 3 646
Eddington 1,979 5 661
Lamoine 1,459 6 688
Waldo 669 4 662
Liberty 582 7 662
Deer Isle 1,503 1 702
Detroit 749 7 645
Orland 1,855 3 675
Levant 2,142 4 658
Exeter 819 3 651
Hermon 4,415 5 673

Better incomes in Frankfort, ME lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Frankfort 19948 643
Hancock County 28,071 679
Morrill 21,683 667
Clinton 19,876 649
Palermo 25,909 658
Exeter 19,224 651
Waldo County 23,020 662
Prospect 22,792 666
China 23,222 661
Brooksville 43,451 677
Stetson 24,234 657
Hampden 32,933 667
Waltham 23,939 655
Jackson 20,961 667
Freedom 19,333 652
Searsport 22,176 670
Monroe 23,371 663
Liberty 20,447 662
Hermon 25,837 673
Castine 19,814 790
Mariaville 22,237 660

More poverty in Frankfort, ME means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Frankfort 226 16 643
Bradford 190 16 644
Troy 138 16 659
Hermon 448 8 673
Eddington 214 9 661
Bangor 7,883 25 662
Prospect 101 13 666
Orland 172 8 675
Waltham 59 20 655
Liberty 147 20 662
Glenburn 348 7 671
Blue Hill 320 11 680
Plymouth 98 8 654
Rockport 477 14 707
China 451 10 661
Winslow 726 9 659
Camden 269 5 705
Brooklin 90 9 685
Palermo 119 7 658
Orono 1,897 28 679
Verona Island 73 13 671

Advanced Education levels in Frankfort, ME implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Frankfort 149 15 643
Surry 296 23 683
Lamoine 180 14 688
Orono 1,066 28 679
Brooks 102 15 656
Hermon 638 16 673
Thorndike 90 14 651
Unity 116 8 662
Winslow 822 14 659
Stockton Springs 187 15 669
Corinth 186 9 652
Hancock 0 0 608
Hampden 1,134 23 667
Eddington 189 10 661
Carmel 253 12 663
Brooklin 224 28 685
Waldo 69 10 662
Dixmont 117 13 660
Deer Isle 197 14 702
Winterport 342 14 660
Washington 147 12 665