
Your location in Eaton County, Michigan impacts your home insurance rate & you need to account for this when you get quotes & buy insurance.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Eaton County, MI the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Eaton County 86094 6 758
Windsor charter 5,565 4 771
Marshall 5,803 4 739
Wheatfield 1,339 6 782
Haslett 16,889 4 780
Lansing 90,729 9 726
Bellevue 2,406 6 737
Brownlee Park 1,507 11 697
Woodland 1,762 5 748
Roxand 1,487 3 759
Leslie 1,852 7 768
Eaton 3,324 8 765
Sandstone 3,183 9 748
DeWitt 3,409 4 784
Walton 1,552 8 754
Lyons 2,679 7 718
Odessa 2,908 7 727
Dallas 1,778 4 772
Lake Odessa 1,731 11 729
Bath charter 9,422 5 784
Okemos 17,078 3 793

Better incomes in Eaton County, MI lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Eaton County 26,591 758
Lansing 19,624 726
Eaton 28,276 765
Marshall 27,200 739
Ingham 26,992 767
Carlton 27,470 754
Meridian charter 37,204 787
Ionia County 19,999 738
Campbell 21,837 739
Baltimore 21,964 746
Parma 19,746 735
Springfield 16,632 715
Pewamo 26,862 744
Grand Ledge 26,358 752
Dimondale 27,663 757
Albion 14,910 715
Eckford 24,279 772
Lake Odessa 19,874 729
Dowling 24,767 753
Charlotte 21,925 741
Kalamo 24,230 757

More poverty in Eaton County, MI means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Eaton County 10545 9 758
Rives 573 12 742
Roxand 165 8 759
Leslie 108 4 768
Onondaga 308 10 760
Mulliken 48 9 729
Alaiedon 107 3 801
Parma 214 7 735
Muir 113 20 713
Tompkins 208 7 760
Olivet 169 18 727
Potterville 353 13 730
Walton 157 7 754
Hastings charter 326 11 752
Ionia County 9,679 16 738
Castleton 837 24 718
Hastings 1,244 17 731
Danby 236 7 768
Eaton Rapids 1,507 28 729
DeWitt 312 6 784
Bedford charter 1,101 11 731

Advanced Education levels in Eaton County, MI implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Eaton County 11671 15 758
Meridian charter 8,296 31 787
Brookfield 144 12 756
Fredonia 140 12 758
Oneida charter 461 16 770
Eckford 134 16 772
Dansville 32 10 736
Sheridan 137 10 740
Eaton 323 10 765
Olivet 173 24 727
Rutland charter 277 10 769
Campbell 208 12 739
Charlotte 646 10 741
Mason 889 15 737
Marshall 1,023 19 739
Bedford charter 587 8 731
Clarksville 14 5 729
Sunfield 87 6 738
Waverly 4,141 23 760
Pennfield charter 667 10 737
Kalamo 92 6 757