
A Look at what matters in Muskegon County, Michigan Home Insurance to help you focus on the right things to lower your quote.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Muskegon County, MI the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Muskegon County 134115 9 736
Bridgeton 1,737 6 743
Milwaukee County, WI 736,809 7 646
Custer 1,092 8 732
Benona 1,139 3 748
Allegan County 86,213 5 759
Eden 492 4 751
Holton 1,824 6 734
Fremont 3,306 9 725
Fruitland 4,525 8 778
White Cloud 1,144 10 723
Moorland 1,249 10 757
Park 13,561 7 795
Ottawa County 203,895 5 768
Oceana County 20,885 5 739
Pere Marquette charter 1,939 3 769
Wolf Lake 3,512 8 716
Muskegon 30,066 13 712
Zeeland charter 7,406 7 767
Walkerville 165 4 718
Blue Lake 1,765 4 771

Better incomes in Muskegon County, MI lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Muskegon County 20,463 736
Muskegon charter 17,386 723
Everett 19,070 731
Coopersville 21,200 748
Leavitt 15,449 718
Port Sheldon 36,927 817
Fruitland 25,822 778
Montague 20,955 731
Eden 17,859 751
Allendale charter 17,964 768
Egelston 17,922 721
Olive 20,613 777
Zeeland charter 23,460 767
Brooks 23,762 751
Sullivan 22,522 743
Zeeland 19,979 752
Cedar Creek 26,107 739
Ferrysburg 39,797 760
Fremont 24,177 725
New Era 20,177 747
Oceana County 18,868 739

More poverty in Muskegon County, MI means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Muskegon County 32385 19 736
Zeeland charter 968 9 767
Golden 252 15 738
Fruitport 114 10 744
Ashland 519 18 736
Leavitt 116 15 718
Fillmore 214 7 759
Ravenna 271 9 743
Pere Marquette charter 224 9 769
Allegan County 14,420 13 759
Beechwood 298 9 748
Grant 565 17 739
Kent City 274 25 727
White Cloud 421 35 723
Allendale charter 4,659 27 768
Dayton 231 10 747
Casnovia 378 13 737
Riverton 134 11 748
Otto 125 18 725
Lakewood Club 221 15 723
Laketown 272 4 795

Advanced Education levels in Muskegon County, MI implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Muskegon County 12807 11 736
Norton Shores 3,405 20 746
Ludington 724 13 739
Garfield 154 10 753
Sparta 660 11 745
Bridgeton 122 7 743
Twin Lake 120 9 737
Hamlin 487 19 769
Golden 107 8 738
Eden 29 6 751
Olive 244 8 777
Blendon 398 11 801
Shelby 243 9 726
Sullivan 190 11 743
Mason County 2,455 12 744
Zeeland 675 19 752
New Era 46 12 747
Rothbury 11 5 727
Pere Marquette charter 254 14 769
Denver 59 4 714
Polkton charter 271 15 765