
Here is what is significant in Kentwood, Michigan Home Insurance so you can use it to get a cheap rate from multiple companies.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Kentwood, MI the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Kentwood 38874 7 751
Castleton 2,691 9 718
Middleville 2,287 2 730
Holland 25,851 5 745
Ravenna 2,093 4 743
Keene 1,224 5 759
Nelson 3,681 5 765
Fillmore 2,073 4 759
Leighton 3,700 3 784
Allendale 14,417 7 772
Coopersville 3,222 4 748
Sparta 7,126 8 745
Hudsonville 5,400 4 757
Jamestown charter 4,892 4 795
Barry County 46,545 6 757
Hope 2,750 5 753
Comstock Park 7,963 6 747
Solon 4,550 6 746
Freeport 323 12 723
Beechwood 2,411 9 748
Wyoming 55,305 7 737

Better incomes in Kentwood, MI lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Kentwood 24,916 751
Martin 20,922 739
Delton 24,704 722
Freeport 19,889 723
Byron Center 30,289 787
Robinson 25,208 770
Zeeland 19,979 752
Coopersville 21,200 748
Leighton 23,470 784
Allendale charter 17,964 768
Gaines charter 25,664 764
Thornapple 23,846 754
Baltimore 21,964 746
Boston 24,802 757
Irving 25,409 769
Rutland charter 21,611 769
Easton 22,801 740
Kent County 25,541 756
Dorr 24,133 770
Carlton 27,470 754
Oakfield 22,944 758

More poverty in Kentwood, MI means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Kentwood 6243 12 751
Bowne 285 9 798
Plainfield charter 2,291 7 768
Fillmore 214 7 759
Caledonia 283 2 797
Allendale charter 4,659 27 768
Lowell charter 691 11 762
Wyoming 12,407 17 737
Irving 145 4 769
Carlton 105 4 754
Courtland 281 3 806
East Grand Rapids 341 3 830
Byron Center 554 9 787
Wayland 582 14 739
Eureka 511 13 747
Overisel 248 8 772
Chester 164 8 764
Georgetown charter 3,033 6 767
Martin 466 17 739
Grand Rapids 48,760 26 739
Ada 468 3 831

Advanced Education levels in Kentwood, MI implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Kentwood 6928 21 751
Zeeland 675 19 752
Gaines charter 3,394 21 764
Sparta 660 11 745
Keene 154 14 759
Tallmadge charter 961 18 775
Orleans 129 6 738
Allendale 1,381 20 772
Kent County 79,563 20 756
Leighton 490 15 784
Chester 148 10 764
Monterey 164 10 770
Vergennes 696 25 784
Belding 287 7 722
Saranac 89 8 733
Cannon 2,614 31 815
Rutland charter 277 10 769
Solon 420 10 746
Algoma 1,648 25 778
Courtland 1,304 26 806
Carlton 186 11 754