
A Look at what matters in Swartz Creek, Michigan Home Insurance to help you focus on the right things to lower your quote.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Swartz Creek, MI the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Swartz Creek 4263 8 737
Perry 3,402 9 747
Marathon 3,575 11 747
Woodhull 3,031 5 759
Albee 1,728 10 738
Genesee charter 17,240 8 720
Locke 1,480 6 773
Shiawassee County 55,755 7 741
Hadley 3,794 7 781
Atlas 6,179 5 781
Fenton 8,990 7 741
Otisville 645 5 710
Hazelton 1,631 4 753
Handy 6,212 6 750
Chesaning 3,686 7 741
Owosso 11,709 9 723
Birch Run 4,924 5 738
Rush 1,025 7 750
Fowlerville 2,275 6 726
Laingsburg 910 7 739
Cohoctah 2,689 8 773

Better incomes in Swartz Creek, MI lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Swartz Creek 22,228 737
Laingsburg 18,784 739
Hartland 31,868 800
Goodrich 28,559 764
Davison 26,577 753
Groveland 30,574 799
Mount Morris 18,129 710
Millington 21,202 744
Bridgeport charter 19,388 719
Saginaw County 22,162 733
Owosso 19,157 723
Locke 28,925 773
Conway 25,518 771
Sciota 27,147 767
Forest 22,238 747
New Lothrop 26,751 739
Genesee charter 20,155 720
St. Charles 21,383 729
Linden 27,141 755
Flushing charter 26,874 739
Shiawassee 22,956 737

More poverty in Swartz Creek, MI means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Swartz Creek 1123 19 737
Venice 214 8 745
Burns 309 9 766
Flushing charter 755 7 739
Highland charter 1,633 8 780
Rose 422 6 782
Handy 705 8 750
Holly 1,040 9 749
Lennon 86 17 739
Gaines 459 6 753
Atlas 404 5 781
Grand Blanc charter 3,739 10 760
Elba 464 8 775
Oceola 465 3 788
Cohoctah 344 10 773
Livingston County 11,428 6 788
Frankenmuth 407 8 775
Howell 1,496 16 740
Brandon charter 1,628 10 776
Springfield charter 727 5 791
Morrice 88 8 731

Advanced Education levels in Swartz Creek, MI implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Swartz Creek 446 12 737
Shiawassee County 4,316 9 741
Vienna charter 796 8 742
Fenton 1,453 19 741
Otter Lake 5 2 722
Shiawassee 183 9 737
Springfield charter 2,155 23 791
Independence charter 5,323 23 787
Linden 462 16 755
Otisville 52 9 710
Groveland 589 15 799
Village of Clarkston 120 18 802
Ortonville 118 12 743
Webberville 99 11 723
Middlebury 69 6 739
Caledonia charter 236 7 749
Montrose 90 8 726
Rose 658 14 782
Atlas 952 17 781
Marathon 315 10 747
Locke 134 10 773