
Your home location & surrounding characteristics count a lot towards your Springfield, Michigan Home rate. Use it to get a good deal.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Springfield, MI the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Springfield 4174 9 715
Climax 1,783 6 748
Wakeshma 1,145 9 751
Kalamo 1,574 4 757
Parma 2,086 7 735
Schoolcraft 6,426 5 762
Charlotte 7,259 7 741
Tekonsha 1,265 9 728
Martin 1,946 3 739
Galesburg 1,471 8 725
Orangeville 2,761 6 760
Carmel 2,097 7 768
Vermontville 1,514 5 743
Assyria 1,554 7 758
Gull Lake 1,037 5 1,254
Watson 1,831 7 755
Pavilion 4,573 7 764
Nottawa 2,915 5 746
Mendon 2,075 6 742
Butler 1,222 7 735
Pine Grove 2,410 10 754

Better incomes in Springfield, MI lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Springfield 16,632 715
Calhoun County 22,525 734
Colon 18,786 738
Hastings charter 23,242 752
Olivet 14,494 727
Eastwood 19,010 720
Prairieville 32,060 780
Texas charter 37,428 830
Clarendon 22,172 754
Walton 21,509 754
Barry 26,841 758
Butler 20,384 735
Mendon 19,518 742
Nottawa 18,493 746
Hope 19,478 753
Branch County 19,633 736
Parma 19,746 735
Newton 28,380 766
Barry County 24,995 757
Galesburg 21,329 725
Gull Lake 43,236 1,254

More poverty in Springfield, MI means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Springfield 1341 26 715
Clarence 458 20 741
Eaton County 10,545 9 758
Brady 480 11 771
Athens 238 9 735
Orangeville 544 16 760
Charleston 225 11 760
Richland 536 7 798
Assyria 218 11 758
Charlotte 1,042 11 741
Yankee Springs 173 4 776
Bedford charter 1,101 11 731
Emmett charter 1,270 10 742
Battle Creek 11,029 21 726
Watson 269 11 755
Pennfield charter 895 10 737
Hastings charter 326 11 752
Johnstown 181 5 778
Otsego 711 12 755
Baltimore 108 6 746
Butler 245 15 735

Advanced Education levels in Springfield, MI implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Springfield 263 7 715
Nottawa 269 10 746
Union 196 11 731
Olivet 173 24 727
Burlington 110 8 723
Clarendon 75 9 754
Tekonsha 77 6 728
Marshall 1,023 19 739
Prairie Ronde 353 22 786
Kalamo 92 6 757
Coldwater 579 8 721
Bedford charter 587 8 731
Pennfield charter 667 10 737
Clarence 189 12 741
Ross 1,048 30 784
Prairieville 410 16 780
Butler 39 3 735
Leroy 383 13 754
Otsego 320 8 755
Watson 217 14 755
Bellevue 253 12 737