
Get a wider perspective on the Zeeland Charter, Michigan home insurance market to save your money.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Zeeland Charter, MI the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Zeeland charter 7406 7 767
Allendale charter 17,005 6 768
Muskegon 30,066 13 712
Grand Haven charter 11,621 4 773
Port Sheldon 3,328 5 817
Irving 2,434 8 769
Ganges 2,104 4 762
Cascade charter 12,859 4 821
Dorr 5,380 4 770
Grand Rapids 146,942 8 739
Hudsonville 5,400 4 757
Pine Grove 2,410 10 754
Plainwell 3,007 11 733
Ada 9,679 3 831
Gobles 708 7 718
Hopkins 2,059 7 744
Casnovia 2,174 9 737
Ravenna 2,093 4 743
Comstock Park 7,963 6 747
Kentwood 38,874 7 751
Bloomingdale 2,530 5 728

Better incomes in Zeeland Charter, MI lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Zeeland charter 23,460 767
Comstock Park 21,719 747
Lowell charter 24,576 762
Ferrysburg 39,797 760
Grand Rapids charter 37,431 800
Kentwood 24,916 751
Park 35,044 795
Allendale charter 17,964 768
Grand Rapids 20,147 739
Georgetown charter 27,090 767
Spring Lake 31,799 788
Moorland 19,504 757
Leighton 23,470 784
Blendon 22,891 801
Manlius 25,283 775
Fillmore 22,431 759
Trowbridge 23,084 759
Olive 20,613 777
Zeeland 19,979 752
Hudsonville 23,330 757
Monterey 20,974 770

More poverty in Zeeland Charter, MI means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Zeeland charter 968 9 767
Grand Haven 1,348 13 745
Irving 145 4 769
Sparta 1,356 14 745
Cascade charter 584 3 821
Spring Lake 1,545 10 788
Alpine 2,368 17 755
Caledonia 283 2 797
Olive 298 6 777
Otsego 711 12 755
Martin 466 17 739
Overisel 248 8 772
Blendon 96 1 801
Holland charter 3,752 10 754
Allegan 939 19 719
Ada 468 3 831
Laketown 272 4 795
Allendale 3,812 27 772
Middleville 268 8 730
Muskegon Heights 5,215 47 696
Rockford 805 14 763

Advanced Education levels in Zeeland Charter, MI implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Zeeland charter 953 15 767
Plainwell 286 11 733
Overisel 281 15 772
Coopersville 314 12 748
Jenison 2,149 18 754
Georgetown charter 6,713 22 767
Thornapple 792 15 754
Norton Shores 3,405 20 746
Monterey 164 10 770
Crockery 346 12 764
Robinson 623 16 770
Fillmore 163 9 759
Allendale charter 1,580 19 768
Beechwood 156 7 748
Manlius 348 17 775
Holland charter 3,459 16 754
Trowbridge 196 10 759
Caledonia 1,919 24 797
Ada 2,769 33 831
Cheshire 124 8 740
Rutland charter 277 10 769