
A Look at what important things contribute to your Atwater, MN Home Insurance rates which can support you in getting a cheap quote.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Atwater, MN the costlier the insurance

City Unemploymed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Atwater 765 5 981
Brooten 534 8 966
St. Martin 379 3 1,040
Swede Grove 233 4 1,009
Kandiyohi County 33,327 4 1,010
Preston Lake 228 1 1,020
Norway Lake 205 1 1,003
Harrison 538 4 1,073
Lake Elizabeth 160 5 1,018
Spring Hill 317 1 1,030
Brookfield 134 2 1,013
Spicer 983 5 1,006
Edwards 231 3 995
Eden Valley 637 8 975
Collinwood 870 5 1,069
Farming 692 3 1,034
Kerkhoven 567 3 966
Green Lake 1,208 1 1,059
Boon Lake 326 1 1,055
Pennock 393 2 976
Gennessee 364 4 1,027

Better incomes in Atwater, MN lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Atwater 21308 981
Fahlun 30,581 1,035
Lynn 28,088 1,062
Bird Island 27,478 966
Hayes 26,101 1,002
Edwards 37,293 995
Mamre 26,381 1,039
Greenleaf 35,534 1,061
Stearns County 25,702 1,016
Danielson 27,669 1,030
Kerkhoven 16,043 966
Lake Johanna 30,180 1,013
Woods 26,578 995
Willmar 21,946 996
Collinwood 26,668 1,069
Eden Lake 26,098 1,060
Dovre 40,574 1,065
Lake Andrew 33,280 1,091
Brookfield 35,846 1,013
Sunburg 24,111 938
Richmond 22,412 1,004

More poverty in Atwater, MN means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Atwater 183 18 981
Woods 31 12 995
Dovre 106 4 1,065
Kimball 135 16 989
Edwards 11 4 995
Boon Lake 28 7 1,055
Swede Grove 22 7 1,009
Litchfield 1,013 15 997
Maine Prairie 86 4 1,042
Crow Lake 11 3 1,020
Collinwood 122 11 1,069
Regal 0 0 946
Crow River 10 3 1,025
Greenleaf 18 2 1,061
Rheiderland 26 10 1,027
Mamre 8 2 1,039
Pillsbury 4 1 1,015
Union Grove 30 6 1,047
Manannah 17 3 1,030
Arctander 20 5 1,014
Stockholm 153 17 1,029

Advanced Education levels in Atwater, MN implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Atwater 73 11 981
Brookfield 13 10 1,013
Brooten 64 13 966
Lone Tree 9 6 1,017
Wakefield 266 15 1,069
Pillsbury 21 15 1,015
Meeker County 1,980 12 1,013
Greenleaf 109 18 1,061
Eden Lake 160 13 1,060
Paynesville 261 15 994
Lake Andrew 148 20 1,091
Stockholm 51 9 1,029
Collinwood 131 17 1,069
Lynn 45 10 1,062
Bird Island 112 15 966
Luxemburg 35 7 1,066
Kingston 131 14 1,040
Sunburg 0 0 938
French Lake 124 15 1,048
Osceola 21 14 990
Lake George 9 4 1,037