
A Look at what matters in Solway, MN Home Insurance to help you focus on the right things to lower your quote.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Solway, MN the costlier the insurance

City Unemploymed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Solway 1687 3 1023
New Independence 246 6 1,026
Skelton 379 3 1,028
Cedar Valley 148 1 1,010
Amnicon, WI 898 5 633
Windemere 1,396 3 1,020
Whiteface Reservoir 339 2 1,033
Twin Lakes 1,539 5 1,028
Denham 31 12 1,020
Colvin 274 8 990
Mahtowa 469 4 1,015
Lavell 273 2 981
Brookston 104 3 967
Clear Creek 146 9 1,053
Normanna 586 3 1,040
Poplar, WI 503 4 646
Janette Lake 244 10 1,008
Cloquet 9,380 5 1,004
Sturgeon Lake 435 6 991
Blackhoof 690 2 1,038
Wrenshall 394 3 1,001

Better incomes in Solway, MN lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Solway 28943 1023
Perch Lake 24,457 1,011
Clear Creek 39,087 1,053
Maple, WI 19,720 639
Silver 18,922 1,018
Aitkin 14,919 988
Industrial 29,186 1,003
Normanna 29,053 1,040
Beseman 18,599 1,030
Bennett, WI 24,744 640
Halden 22,564 1,012
Nickerson 21,449 1,011
Holyoke 23,476 1,002
Automba 21,652 1,039
Fayal 29,627 1,023
Oliver, WI 35,430 639
Makinen 31,382 1,004
Scanlon 22,038 998
Amnicon, WI 24,088 633
Lakeside, WI 27,127 651
Gnesen 37,969 1,078

More poverty in Solway, MN means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Solway 96 4 1023
Arrowhead 45 26 1,020
Denham 0 0 1,020
Wrenshall 51 9 1,001
Salo 29 27 963
Blackhoof 58 6 1,038
Holyoke 51 19 1,002
Halden 2 1 1,012
Whiteface Reservoir 19 5 1,033
Kelsey 10 6 1,024
Esko 47 2 1,043
Alborn 66 15 1,030
Twin Lakes 118 6 1,028
Cedar Valley 16 8 1,010
Ellsburg 32 16 1,016
Barnum 84 6 1,015
Beseman 40 23 1,030
Floodwood 182 32 954
Fayal 166 9 1,023
Rice Lake 294 7 1,022
Arnold 240 8 1,024

Advanced Education levels in Solway, MN implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Solway 272 18 1023
Brule, WI 39 11 636
Arrowhead 10 8 1,020
Willow River 24 10 982
Van Buren 14 12 1,010
Cloquet 1,361 16 1,004
Whiteface Reservoir 58 17 1,033
Normanna 103 20 1,040
Aitkin 0 0 988
Scanlon 70 9 998
Fairbanks 17 30 1,034
Kerrick 33 17 1,010
Lake Nebagamon, WI 221 24 655
Amnicon, WI 102 13 633
Park 7 16 1,027
Holyoke 22 11 1,002
Fredenberg 209 20 1,077
Dairyland, WI 14 10 616
Lakewood 391 26 1,043
Automba 6 5 1,039
Bennett, WI 55 12 640