
Your location in Springfield, MN impacts your home insurance rate & you need to account for this when you get quotes & buy insurance.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Springfield, MN the costlier the insurance

City Unemploymed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Springfield 1576 3 961
Kintire 107 0 988
Willow Lake 198 1 984
Ann 124 0 978
North Hero 163 1 989
Christiania 182 0 966
Bingham Lake 125 0 953
Sanborn 308 4 942
Revere 82 2 925
Watonwan County 8,682 4 970
Delton 70 0 1,004
Beaver Falls 150 2 1,006
Rose Hill 135 0 968
Westline 104 6 980
Amo 123 4 970
La Salle 61 6 963
Nelson 232 1 993
Hanska 280 2 959
Redwood Falls 4,090 2 973
Darfur 74 16 943
Birch Cooley 182 10 989

Better incomes in Springfield, MN lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Springfield 22040 961
Walnut Grove 15,443 944
Honner 25,648 1,034
New Ulm 26,403 990
Hanska 22,242 959
North Hero 27,495 989
Westline 30,104 980
New Avon 27,132 1,034
Leavenworth 30,495 994
Ridgely 29,039 991
Bingham Lake 26,789 953
Brookville 28,900 1,006
Delhi 33,778 1,041
Granite Rock 28,305 986
Milford 33,055 1,039
Mulligan 29,062 992
Darfur 19,273 943
Bandon 23,382 1,024
Eden 35,804 1,039
Rose Hill 23,370 968
La Salle 27,623 963

More poverty in Springfield, MN means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Springfield 241 12 961
Evan 9 20 938
Paxton 104 17 1,014
Holly 17 13 970
Dovray 10 7 1,012
Redwood Falls 574 11 973
New Avon 7 3 1,034
Springdale 20 8 1,008
Revere 36 36 925
Kintire 0 0 988
Delhi 6 2 1,041
Wellington 5 2 1,010
Nelson 10 3 993
Morgan 118 12 960
Charlestown 28 12 972
Amo 14 8 970
Eden 6 2 1,039
Albin 29 9 1,019
Stately 4 2 979
Bashaw 20 5 1,010
Westbrook 167 22 948

Advanced Education levels in Springfield, MN implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Springfield 164 11 961
Mulligan 7 4 992
St. James 314 10 959
Brookville 26 14 1,006
Odin 12 9 971
Wabasso 76 17 954
Mountain Lake 130 9 961
Storden 27 15 945
Sanborn 20 7 942
Honner 13 23 1,034
Springdale 42 25 1,008
Waterbury 22 15 1,047
Wanda 7 11 933
West Newton 46 13 1,024
New Ulm 1,424 15 990
Selma 6 4 994
Rose Hill 8 8 968
Sheridan 17 13 1,002
Redwood County 1,353 12 967
Lake Hanska 45 21 1,029
Wellington 3 2 1,010