
Here is what is significant in Sedalia, Missouri Home Insurance so you can use it to get a cheap rate from multiple companies.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Sedalia, MO the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Sedalia 19886 4 946
Moniteau County 12,081 3 961
White 2,173 4 959
Clark Fork 480 3 1,000
Syracuse 159 5 909
Blackwater 419 0 993
Stover 917 10 930
Salt Pond 1,614 2 942
Fields Creek 1,419 8 990
Slater 1,788 4 920
Montserrat 1,642 9 998
Cole 1,940 4 959
Gilliam 173 5 903
Ionia 137 9 910
Tebo 516 6 938
Corder 298 3 911
Post Oak 1,765 4 951
South Moniteau 138 0 1,001
Arrow Rock 740 5 911
Walker 5,274 4 969
Grand Pass 354 8 938

Better incomes in Sedalia, MO lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Sedalia 18,714 946
Concordia 24,005 964
Aullville 18,496 919
Morgan County 18,113 959
Tebo 26,058 938
Clarksburg 16,240 915
Arrow Rock 18,384 911
Hazel Hill 26,446 1,026
Middleton 21,945 946
Windsor Place 29,910 994
Haw Creek 16,014 943
Lindsey 28,431 947
Montserrat 20,733 998
Heath Creek 20,393 982
Boonslick 22,768 978
Prairie Home 20,787 956
Columbus 20,199 965
Clark Fork 22,622 1,000
New Franklin 18,149 940
Chilhowee 24,612 986
Clear Creek 23,901 996

More poverty in Sedalia, MO means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Sedalia 5112 20 946
Aullville 24 17 919
Saline County 4,119 19 941
Gilliam 47 21 903
Smithton 282 11 954
Nelson 85 38 907
New Franklin 220 18 940
Blackburn 4 1 933
Clear Creek 41 7 996
Cooper County 2,811 17 970
Clarksburg 64 27 915
Otterville 196 19 929
Simpson 179 17 992
Whiteman AFB 112 4 893
Bunceton 61 14 924
Warsaw 543 26 938
Gravois Mills 45 45 925
Chilhowee 134 11 986
Heath Creek 18 3 982
Moniteau County 1,577 11 961
Clinton 1,735 19 949

Advanced Education levels in Sedalia, MO implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Sedalia 1605 9 946
Haw Creek 281 9 943
Fields Creek 205 15 990
Knob Noster 107 8 964
Salt Fork 112 40 961
Clear Creek 75 22 996
Heath Creek 29 7 982
Simpson 54 8 992
Grand Pass 41 13 938
Waverly 50 8 942
Arrow Rock 44 7 911
Gilliam 10 6 903
Syracuse 4 3 909
Davis 438 15 960
Houstonia 13 5 950
Tebo 42 9 938
Mount Leonard 3 8 905
Ionia 0 0 910
Pettis County 2,699 9 951
Williams 218 9 959
Cooper County 1,495 12 970