
Where You Live in Cass, MO matters For Your Home Insurance & choose your insurance provider wisely after comparing multiple quotes.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Cass, MO the costlier the insurance

City Unemploymed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Cass 1328 6 949
Delaware 136 0 943
Dent County 12,439 5 946
Howell 15,590 4 959
Wood 1,087 5 986
Summersville 381 3 930
Birch Tree 1,110 4 939
Findley 548 2 1,003
Bartlett 410 13 928
Roubidoux 1,547 4 937
Newton 126 0 960
Sinkin 221 6 946
Laclede County 27,855 5 953
Oregon County 8,791 5 936
Watkins 857 3 947
Morris 422 10 963
Montier 349 0 914
Chapel 357 0 1,076
Hart 1,258 7 919
Cold Spring 1,602 6 958
Texas 736 5 982

Better incomes in Cass, MO lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Cass 19985 949
Sargent 12,266 1,086
Montier 23,037 914
Fort Leonard Wood 16,137 881
Dry Creek 19,498 953
Licking 11,224 927
Bryan 15,965 905
Hartville 11,055 910
St. Robert 23,215 995
Dent County 18,945 946
Sherrill 12,663 944
Wasola 15,874 766
Noble 13,822 1,164
Big Apple 17,278 941
Salem 18,725 937
Phelps County 20,319 963
Champion 12,122 971
Hart 16,367 919
McMurtrey 13,854 916
Brown 22,148 980
Bayou 19,330 936

More poverty in Cass, MO means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Cass 205 14 949
Current 32 7 947
Watkins 157 15 947
Pomona 144 29 915
Newton 22 14 960
Bunker 272 51 920
Shannon County 1,776 21 942
Mountain View 836 32 929
Bayou 123 15 936
Delaware 0 0 943
Cabool 769 32 937
Morris 64 14 963
Evergreen 8 18 1,976
Howell County 8,187 20 960
Montier 103 25 914
Hutton Valley 476 42 938
Finley 233 13 949
Dawt 19 8 937
Chapel 38 7 1,076
Gainesville 251 29 942
Winona 711 29 929

Advanced Education levels in Cass, MO implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Cass 73 6 949
McMurtrey 29 6 916
Brandsville 0 0 946
Noble 3 1 1,164
Bunker 0 0 920
Dry Creek 8 0 953
Champion 3 1 971
Hartville 23 4 910
Houston 139 9 958
Elk Creek 20 7 865
Spring Creek 212 6 938
Pomona 0 0 915
Gasconade 66 7 933
Delaware 14 10 943
Howell 1,275 9 959
Howell County 2,315 8 960
Gladden 39 9 933
Ozark County 503 6 948
Mansfield 70 9 931
Goldsberry 202 7 944
Evergreen 4 14 1,976