
Here is what is significant in Greenville, Mississippi Home Insurance so you can use it to get a cheap rate from multiple companies.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Greenville, MS the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Greenville 25429 12 913
Mayersville 570 8 901
Belzoni 1,767 11 908
Sunflower County 22,853 9 906
Washington County 38,349 12 913
Louise 152 10 936
Kilbourne, LA 437 3 1,233
Lake Village, AR 1,968 4 1,065
Bolivar County 26,558 9 914
Arcola 343 10 909
Sunflower 808 13 897
East Carroll Parish, LA 5,804 9 1,214
Fountain Hill, AR 179 14 1,051
Chicot County, AR 9,321 5 1,058
Bowie, AR 3,061 11 1,064
Schlater 266 9 868
Humphreys County 6,996 11 908
Arkansas City, AR 353 6 1,043
Walnut Lake, AR 342 4 1,121
Red Fork, AR 746 0 1,081
Montrose, AR 292 7 1,043

Better incomes in Greenville, MS lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Greenville 16,333 913
Benoit 13,885 900
Renova 13,610 930
Issaquena County 15,241 902
Portland, AR 19,907 1,076
Morgan City 7,989 904
Moorhead 9,234 888
Planters, AR 12,622 1,047
Doddsville 5,958 905
Monticello, AR 15,267 1,077
Shelby 9,888 906
West Carroll Parish, LA 18,588 1,226
Tillar, AR 22,197 1,085
Bolivar County 16,716 914
Arkansas City, AR 18,220 1,043
Oak Grove, LA 15,497 1,222
Rolling Fork 15,155 903
Bearhouse, AR 19,262 1,025
Eudora, AR 10,605 1,048
Drew 11,302 897
Greenwood 14,828 912

More poverty in Greenville, MS means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Greenville 12559 37 913
Eudora, AR 1,355 52 1,048
Sidon 176 54 889
Carter, AR 808 20 1,076
Longview, AR 128 13 1,063
Ashley County, AR 3,705 17 1,070
Bowie, AR 1,404 33 1,064
Belzoni 959 40 908
Boyle 156 24 909
Portland, AR 73 13 1,076
Inverness 214 21 918
Cleveland 3,541 32 942
Collins, AR 24 10 1,038
Gunnison 273 67 901
Walnut Lake, AR 129 24 1,121
Louise 39 23 936
Planters, AR 1,624 44 1,047
Winstonville 67 54 874
Leland 1,817 40 913
Parkdale, AR 113 39 1,035
Kilbourne, LA 134 24 1,233

Advanced Education levels in Greenville, MS implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Greenville 2835 13 913
Pace 14 7 886
Drew 96 9 897
Cary 28 10 890
Bowie, AR 262 9 1,064
Sharkey County 432 14 906
Dumas, AR 215 7 1,058
Parkdale, AR 8 4 1,035
Forest, LA 16 8 1,242
Anguilla 87 21 903
Beulah 19 10 891
Eden 0 0 875
Tchula 75 6 890
Eudora, AR 145 9 1,048
Sunflower 104 15 897
Desha County, AR 755 8 1,068
Cleveland 1,117 15 942
Cruger 24 7 878
Dermott, AR 93 4 1,044
Duncan 17 6 894
Bearhouse, AR 3 9 1,025