
Your Tunica County, Mississippi Neighborhood & location are big factors in your home insurance costs so make sure you see many quotes before you buy.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Tunica County, MS the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Tunica County 7772 6 916
Hornor, AR 6,867 10 1,067
Courtland 425 5 921
Hickory Ridge, AR 1,192 10 1,052
Telico, AR 1,709 5 1,086
Sardis 1,510 9 911
Heth, AR 509 8 1,092
Black Fish, AR 32 0 1,145
Cleburne, AR 615 3 1,092
Hughes, AR 1,240 11 1,050
Sunset, AR 172 15 1,061
Oak Forest, AR 408 7 1,048
Elaine, AR 607 11 1,044
Haynes, AR 194 12 1,046
Phillips County, AR 16,251 10 1,062
Coahoma 313 10 888
Marks 1,611 11 904
Lynchburg 1,601 2 949
Independence, AR 3,864 11 1,063
Jennette, AR 99 11 1,073
Lexa, AR 202 7 1,057

Better incomes in Tunica County, MS lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Tunica County 15,051 916
Tunica Resorts 22,239 966
Jennette, AR 15,374 1,073
Horseshoe Lake, AR 23,386 1,063
Sardis 18,454 911
Goodwin, AR 17,310 1,064
Lynchburg 25,387 949
Lula 9,735 898
Mississippi, AR 17,152 1,093
Lexa, AR 17,174 1,057
Marianna, AR 13,207 1,065
Hughes, AR 11,223 1,050
Aubrey, AR 17,104 1,045
Clarksdale 15,159 904
Bridgetown 33,059 966
Senatobia 18,322 939
Hindman, AR 33,375 1,125
Moro, AR 16,622 1,053
Lake View, AR 10,499 1,043
Fleener, AR 19,789 1,045
Courtland 15,050 921

More poverty in Tunica County, MS means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Tunica County 3169 30 916
Heth, AR 173 28 1,092
Crittenden County, AR 12,384 24 1,099
Hughes, AR 730 42 1,050
Farrell 208 48 894
Lula 202 52 898
Lee County, AR 2,770 30 1,059
Hickory Ridge, AR 536 34 1,052
Marvell, AR 449 37 1,074
Byhalia 553 49 914
Lyon 8 2 960
West Helena, AR 4,719 39 1,060
Marks 475 25 904
Falcon 197 62 891
Spring Creek, AR 202 13 1,074
Hernando 1,509 11 973
Texas, AR 155 25 1,084
Walls 190 26 966
Panola County 9,359 27 917
Colt, AR 64 19 1,078
Sledge 279 51 895

Advanced Education levels in Tunica County, MS implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Tunica County 748 11 916
Bob Ward, AR 36 4 1,045
Black Fish, AR 5 17 1,145
White Oak 46 10 923
Phillips County, AR 1,201 8 1,062
Tyronza, AR 89 4 1,061
Earle, AR 86 5 1,052
St. Francis, AR 338 12 1,090
Byhalia 53 7 914
Smith, AR 112 8 1,115
Hindman, AR 40 33 1,125
Bridgetown 164 12 966
Memphis, TN 60,013 14 788
Widener, AR 0 0 1,039
Edmondson, AR 25 7 1,055
Caldwell, AR 53 10 1,120
Quitman County 457 8 896
Rondo, AR 8 3 1,072
Crenshaw 75 11 905
Lee County, AR 336 4 1,059
Sledge 24 8 895