
Home location is a big driver of your Henderson County, North Carolina insurance rates so getting quotes from top companies will keep your costs down.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Henderson County, NC the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Henderson County 87219 4 612
Clear Creek 5,232 3 590
Rutherford County 54,409 8 583
Swannanoa 12,858 4 608
Black Mountain 11,154 5 606
Fletcher 5,503 4 611
Valley Hill 2,385 1 612
Upper Hominy 13,857 6 598
Hoopers Creek 11,269 3 612
Tryon 3,380 4 607
Hogback 2,309 5 624
Dana 2,010 3 597
Ruth 286 12 577
Highland, SC 11,712 4 809
Canada 263 17 571
Berea, SC 10,471 7 798
Slater-Marietta, SC 3,791 5 789
Ivy 2,697 6 603
Rutherfordton 10,852 8 594
Rosman 585 2 590
Spindale 3,431 7 582

Better incomes in Henderson County, NC lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Henderson County 26,260 612
Inman, SC 21,737 809
Broad River 18,478 605
Swannanoa 24,598 608
Leicester 21,931 604
Easley, SC 21,876 800
Asheville 26,993 614
Haywood County 24,624 598
Greenville County, SC 26,657 818
Catheys Creek 16,808 599
Laurel Park 36,669 651
Spindale 18,136 582
Eastatoe 20,522 593
Crab Creek 38,196 624
Transylvania County 23,908 603
Green Creek 24,416 609
Montford Cove 20,737 583
Pigeon 21,487 596
French Broad 19,584 616
Clear Creek 20,820 590
Canton 21,461 598

More poverty in Henderson County, NC means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Henderson County 14191 13 612
Lower Hominy 1,237 14 602
Green River 658 15 616
Hoopers Creek 1,319 9 612
Ruth 39 11 577
Tryon 377 10 607
Gramling, SC 1,453 20 801
Laurel Park 183 7 651
Flat Rock 185 5 680
Montreat 65 14 683
Saluda 43 2 656
Rutherford County 13,384 20 583
Taylors, SC 3,422 8 822
Lyman, SC 280 8 807
Polk County 3,163 15 608
Mountain Home 449 13 620
Crab Creek 425 10 624
Hogback 283 10 624
Brevard 1,381 13 604
Tigerville, SC 686 10 831
Gloucester 19 1 609

Advanced Education levels in Henderson County, NC implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Henderson County 13689 17 612
Saluda 313 24 656
Old Fort 217 7 586
Fork 115 8 578
Broad River 170 12 605
Fletcher 911 18 611
Clear Creek 468 10 590
Balfour 141 14 603
Canada 28 10 571
Spindale 253 8 582
Columbus 658 11 601
Catheys Creek 182 6 599
Inman Mills, SC 36 3 777
Upper Hominy 1,478 11 598
Waynesville 2,607 17 602
Hogback 335 16 624
Lower Hominy 1,117 17 602
Tigerville, SC 732 14 831
French Broad 735 14 616
Asheville 15,544 26 614
Wade Hampton, SC 3,704 25 823