
See what's important for Gilmer, North Carolina Home Insurance to get a good deal from a top insurance company.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Gilmer, NC the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Gilmer 58205 8 585
Woodlawn 784 2 624
Morehead 158,297 6 603
Beaver Island 2,596 8 579
Sedalia 601 9 591
Siler City 6,053 9 582
Friendship 6,733 6 601
Simpsonville 3,234 3 588
Columbia 5,568 4 583
New Bethel 5,670 5 605
Anderson 1,615 6 575
Kernersville 23,581 5 602
Back Creek 4,000 3 595
McLeansville 726 1 598
Whitsett 603 10 592
Pleasant Garden 3,572 5 605
Liberty 4,166 8 590
Randleman 7,299 8 589
Clay 6,168 5 616
Eden 12,470 7 575
Walnut Cove 1,278 5 594

Better incomes in Gilmer, NC lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Gilmer 16,130 585
Rock Creek 27,406 604
Elon 23,654 617
Gibsonville 25,902 604
Forest Oaks 34,541 609
Locust Hill 21,372 587
Woodlawn 42,820 624
Beaver Island 19,924 579
Friendship 33,504 601
Guilford County 26,384 600
Pleasant Garden 30,131 605
Jamestown 43,204 617
Fentress 28,188 604
Ramseur 13,333 583
Williamsburg 21,002 582
Belews Creek 27,894 604
Alamance 37,049 641
High Point 22,729 597
Grant 21,152 588
Rural Hall 29,285 596
Greensboro 25,757 597

More poverty in Gilmer, NC means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Gilmer 19269 26 585
Burlington 10,858 21 588
Rock Creek 864 7 604
Thomasville 8,818 22 587
Ramseur 585 29 583
Midway 1,082 8 596
Locust Hill 335 13 587
Welcome 392 8 591
Center Grove 711 9 643
Randleman 1,972 21 589
Archdale 1,050 9 594
Guilford County 80,219 16 600
Morehead 29,717 15 603
Wentworth 1,192 13 585
Huntsville 653 11 585
McLeansville 98 11 598
Ruffin 1,218 21 581
Salem Chapel 980 15 585
Grant 792 14 588
Bruce 172 1 653
Williamsburg 894 19 582

Advanced Education levels in Gilmer, NC implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Gilmer 6097 13 585
Ramseur 94 7 583
Level Cross 106 4 570
Bethania 1,182 18 596
Mayo 362 7 578
Back Creek 741 20 595
Franklinville 625 9 579
Middle Fork II 296 15 593
Leaksville 1,029 7 578
Saxapahaw 109 11 590
Sauratown 234 5 581
Beaver Island 209 9 579
Asheboro 1,895 12 588
Trinity 1,814 9 592
Middle Fork I 89 7 582
Greene 261 11 608
Alamance County 15,355 15 592
Guilford County 71,168 22 600
Greensboro 40,799 23 597
Winston-Salem 29,553 20 594
Morehead 34,702 27 603