
Where we Live in Asheville, North Carolina counts towards how cheap our home insurance can get, so keep this in mind while getting quotes.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Asheville, NC the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Asheville 68923 5 614
Edneyville 3,484 4 612
Etowah 5,869 7 600
Dana 2,010 3 597
Flat Creek 4,073 3 594
Mountain Home 2,853 2 620
Transylvania County 27,901 4 603
Hendersonville 41,607 5 611
Gilkey 1,430 4 580
Chimney Rock 2,621 8 624
Brevard 9,121 3 604
Royal Pines 3,836 3 616
Fork 1,547 8 578
Fletcher 5,503 4 611
Bent Creek 1,419 3 619
Marion 1,074 1 586
Clear Creek 5,232 3 590
Reems Creek 9,972 3 623
Lake Lure 1,084 8 634
Madison County 17,070 3 599
Scott Creek 1,982 5 599

Better incomes in Asheville, NC lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Asheville 26,993 614
Lake Junaluska 33,976 644
Avery Creek 26,993 622
Transylvania County 23,908 603
Flat Rock 43,968 680
Haywood County 24,624 598
Ramseytown 16,627 597
Balfour 21,936 603
Jacks Creek 21,918 566
Yancey County 19,404 590
Polk County 23,983 608
Boyd 17,666 597
Limestone 37,840 620
Madison County 19,953 599
Glenwood 16,401 583
Iron Duff 25,437 617
Gerton 19,476 617
Crabtree 18,886 591
Etowah 26,586 600
Clyde 21,859 601
Edneyville 22,051 612

More poverty in Asheville, NC means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Asheville 16322 20 614
Fines Creek 291 20 611
McDowell County 8,347 19 582
Dunns Rock 109 2 621
Biltmore Forest 44 3 812
Madison County 3,433 17 599
Marshall 281 28 575
Tigerville, SC 686 10 831
Mars Hill 306 22 608
Iron Duff 26 1 617
Etowah 636 9 600
Gilkey 131 8 580
Columbus 1,038 14 601
Blue Ridge 1,909 19 595
Gloucester 19 1 609
Flat Rock 185 5 680
Cooper Gap 377 17 598
Fork 260 13 578
Dana 568 21 597
Beaverdam 1,178 9 592
Marion 33 2 586

Advanced Education levels in Asheville, NC implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Asheville 15544 26 614
Mountain Home 481 18 620
Leicester 1,768 13 604
Transylvania County 3,979 16 603
Crabtree 170 7 591
Madison County 1,720 11 599
Columbus 658 11 601
Black Mountain 1,961 20 606
Upper Hominy 1,478 11 598
Etowah 764 14 600
Egypt 13 3 585
Mars Hill 263 24 608
Biltmore Forest 478 42 812
Chimney Rock 448 18 624
Saluda 313 24 656
Green Mountain 98 40 611
Cooper Gap 251 16 598
Clyde 696 15 601
Hendersonville 7,696 20 611
Lower Hominy 1,117 17 602
Lake Junaluska 690 29 644