
Your home location & surrounding characteristics count a lot towards your Warren County, North Carolina Home rate. Use it to get a good deal.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Warren County, NC the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Warren County 17040 4 584
South Hill, VA 3,299 1 720
Judkins 531 6 581
Red Oak 2,718 3 619
Beaver Creek, VA 1,703 3 699
Boydton, VA 383 1 707
Lake Royale 2,150 5 601
Henderson 809 7 568
Louisburg 6,941 8 576
Stony Creek 20,240 6 593
Ebony, VA 102 0 682
Townsville 1,291 7 583
Red Oak, VA 2,712 8 699
Totaro, VA 2,762 8 694
Hollister 745 11 577
Nash County 75,694 7 588
Gasburg, VA 343 0 862
Vance County 34,967 6 585
Gold Mine 1,427 6 578
Fairview, VA 193 0 685
Oconeechee 1,709 12 575

Better incomes in Warren County, NC lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Warren County 18,902 584
Warrenton 15,373 580
Butterwood 18,561 572
Momeyer 21,693 590
Littleton 28,821 604
Hollister 11,900 577
Smith Creek 18,397 578
Shocco 15,756 574
Harris 23,405 596
Whitakers 17,483 578
Youngsville 25,908 608
Gasburg, VA 42,099 862
Castalia 16,431 572
Halifax 13,316 579
Dortches 28,880 607
Stovall 20,082 607
Sturgeon, VA 13,324 696
River 26,151 645
Red Oak 30,639 619
Stony Creek 30,519 593
Oconeechee 17,382 575

More poverty in Warren County, NC means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Warren County 4930 24 584
Brodnax, VA 50 13 685
Rocky Mount 12,962 23 586
Gold Mine 511 29 578
River 272 23 645
Kittrell 1,153 20 588
Harris 651 8 596
Middleburg 836 20 577
Nutbush 517 32 582
Halifax County 13,426 25 577
Garysburg 431 35 568
Castalia 202 13 572
Coopers 285 7 592
Clarksville, VA 199 15 712
Louisburg 1,328 18 576
Faucett 230 11 582
Fishing Creek 2,239 24 591
Oak Hill 152 5 582
Vance County 12,555 28 585
Bunn 42 7 582
Momeyer 93 23 590

Advanced Education levels in Warren County, NC implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Warren County 1417 9 584
Halifax County 2,834 7 577
Roanoke Rapids 1,271 8 582
Townsville 69 6 583
Oxford 741 12 588
Rocky Mount 5,262 13 586
Halifax 88 3 579
Hawtree 41 4 572
Union Level, VA 16 11 696
Gold Mine 160 11 578
Centerville 6 12 609
Faucett 128 8 582
Watkins 93 31 600
Sturgeon, VA 122 3 696
Mannings 389 10 578
Hollister 33 5 577
Loves Mill, VA 46 5 693
Spring Hope 77 8 583
Conoconnara 13 2 580
Dortches 96 15 607
Beaver Creek, VA 157 10 699