
Study the bigger picture of the Maxton, North Carolina home insurance market so you can think like an insurance company & get a great deal.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Maxton, NC the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Maxton 4153 6 571
Saddletree 4,292 5 578
Marlboro County, SC 23,286 7 779
Spring Hill 4,056 8 570
Hoke County 34,535 6 591
Wagram 638 5 572
Hollow 1,639 5 571
Scotland County 28,322 8 573
Tatum, SC 93 3 767
Hamer, SC 4,382 6 772
Burnt Swamp 2,136 6 572
Sellers, SC 75 6 762
East Howellsville 1,989 5 575
Aberdeen 4,892 8 601
West Howellsville 2,056 5 572
Dillon, SC 7,879 5 779
Orrum 1,283 1 575
Elrod 356 6 578
Wallace, SC 2,718 9 773
Blue Springs 1,032 7 578
Lake View, SC 3,364 7 778

Better incomes in Maxton, NC lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Maxton 12,096 571
Orrum 21,523 575
Burnt Swamp 13,965 572
Elrod 20,642 578
Clio, SC 14,647 778
Pinebluff 21,115 599
Back Swamp 13,021 571
Five Points 17,991 610
Laurinburg 16,608 581
Smiths 14,433 572
McColl, SC 12,718 771
Raynham 24,286 573
Raeford 17,288 584
Sterlings 19,625 566
Grays Creek 25,132 606
Alfordsville 13,690 572
Evergreen 29,727 574
Sellers, SC 8,348 762
Bowmore 27,561 577
Rowland 14,780 571
Saddletree 11,823 578

More poverty in Maxton, NC means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Maxton 1800 33 571
Dillon, SC 3,790 37 779
Wallace, SC 872 26 773
Fairmont 2,539 46 571
Smyrna 519 20 570
Allendale 214 30 570
Philadelphus 949 26 568
Latta, SC 2,466 29 780
Hoffman 180 43 570
Hollow 580 28 571
Hoke County 10,115 21 591
Lumberton 6,949 28 579
Marlboro County, SC 7,398 29 779
Quewhiffle 680 16 611
Raynham 0 0 573
Pembroke 4,266 39 570
Laurinburg 5,136 33 581
Society Hill, SC 758 19 782
East Laurinburg 145 39 562
Williamson 1,986 28 571
West Howellsville 516 19 572

Advanced Education levels in Maxton, NC implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Maxton 257 7 571
Prospect 59 8 573
Scotch Meadows 154 41 634
Marietta 17 18 559
Gaddys 17 1 582
Silver City 16 2 582
Raynham 3 4 573
Grays Creek 750 12 606
Lake View, SC 300 10 778
Marlboro County, SC 1,219 6 779
McColl, SC 112 3 771
Rockfish 4,873 14 594
Proctorville 2 1 599
Stonewall 210 15 569
Rennert 169 8 565
Aberdeen 815 18 601
Deercroft 48 12 660
Hope Mills 1,252 13 588
Richmond County 2,289 7 572
Hoke County 3,504 12 591
Blenheim, SC 51 3 771