
See what's important for Sulphur Springs, North Carolina Home Insurance to get a good deal from a top insurance company.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Sulphur Springs, NC the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Sulphur Springs 4364 5 586
Higgins 1,554 6 585
Chesnee, SC 4,516 8 788
Fairmont Mills, SC 9,613 3 826
Bostic 333 8 578
Tryon 3,380 4 607
Highland, SC 11,712 4 809
Dana 2,010 3 597
Taylors, SC 30,767 4 822
Macedonia, SC 6,215 7 787
Lawndale 558 6 575
Lattimore 373 2 570
Lyman, SC 2,518 4 807
Shelby 16,086 10 584
Cleveland County 77,595 8 584
Fallston 498 2 577
Logan Store 3,498 8 589
Cherokee County, SC 43,253 8 785
Gramling, SC 5,416 5 801
East Flat Rock 3,937 7 576
Ruth 286 12 577

Better incomes in Sulphur Springs, NC lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Sulphur Springs 19,844 586
Gilkey 29,854 580
Startex, SC 19,292 775
Central Pacolet, SC 12,901 770
Henrietta 12,739 578
Pacolet, SC 19,028 785
Glendale, SC 17,316 786
Duncans Creek 23,846 611
Brackett 12,657 611
Saluda 30,499 656
Tryon 27,545 607
Southern Shops, SC 10,414 762
Cowpens, SC 17,222 785
Shelby 20,003 584
Gerton 19,476 617
Ruth 18,697 577
Bostic 17,601 578
Gramling, SC 19,561 801
Camp Creek 15,441 574
Converse, SC 13,831 762
Spindale 18,136 582

More poverty in Sulphur Springs, NC means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Sulphur Springs 809 15 586
Logan Store 801 20 589
Wellford, SC 3,408 16 800
Reidville, SC 1,005 9 818
Taylors, SC 3,422 8 822
Ruth 39 11 577
Belwood 371 31 582
Barker Heights 420 25 592
Saxon, SC 988 29 772
Lattimore 25 8 570
Converse, SC 170 25 762
Gaffney, SC 7,512 22 789
Cowpens, SC 619 16 785
Highland, SC 2,138 14 809
Caroleen 117 28 603
Fingerville, SC 796 14 801
Inman Mills, SC 622 50 777
Earl 68 25 574
Chesnee, SC 1,564 27 788
East Flat Rock 1,350 27 576
Landrum, SC 1,098 15 803

Advanced Education levels in Sulphur Springs, NC implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Sulphur Springs 291 7 586
Green Creek 334 14 609
Fairforest, SC 86 8 788
Rutherford County 4,750 10 583
Blacksburg, SC 402 6 781
Jonesville, SC 120 5 777
Henrietta 0 0 578
Roebuck, SC 91 9 811
Boiling Springs 457 21 607
Spartanburg, SC 10,899 14 801
East Flat Rock 323 9 576
Duncans Creek 68 14 611
Ellenboro 38 8 573
Saluda 313 24 656
Fairmont Mills, SC 1,881 22 826
Lyman, SC 359 16 807
High Shoals 233 4 580
Higgins 73 5 585
Chimney Rock 448 18 624
Southern Shops, SC 96 3 762
Fallston 18 4 577