
Your Cool Spring, North Carolina Neighborhood & location are big factors in your home insurance costs so make sure you see many quotes before you buy.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Cool Spring, NC the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Cool Spring 11779 8 579
Silver Creek 8,527 5 580
Glen Alpine 1,272 4 580
Rutherfordton 10,852 8 594
Camp Creek 880 16 574
Fallston 498 2 577
Saluda 1,455 2 656
Dysartsville 2,186 12 567
Spartanburg County, SC 223,339 6 802
Southern Shops, SC 3,310 12 762
Saxon, SC 2,953 6 772
Landrum, SC 5,497 4 803
Marion 16,931 6 582
Rutherford County 54,409 8 583
Shelby 16,086 10 584
Upper Fork 878 13 588
North Brook 4,995 9 591
Patterson Springs 481 14 576
Caroleen 312 12 603
Gilkey 1,430 4 580
Earl 199 9 574

Better incomes in Cool Spring, NC lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Cool Spring 16,578 579
Inman Mills, SC 10,026 777
Campobello, SC 19,828 778
Rutherfordton 22,814 594
Lawndale 14,636 575
Green Hill 18,788 585
Golden Valley 18,315 587
Lower Fork 18,463 578
Highland, SC 26,901 809
Higgins 19,730 585
Columbus 22,931 601
Morganton 18,700 590
Glendale, SC 17,316 786
Landrum, SC 22,897 803
Gramling, SC 19,561 801
Camp Creek 15,441 574
Mayo, SC 19,116 795
Gilkey 29,854 580
Saxon, SC 11,635 772
Valley Falls, SC 15,777 810
Gaffney, SC 18,665 789

More poverty in Cool Spring, NC means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Cool Spring 4820 33 579
Highland, SC 2,138 14 809
Glen Alpine 169 10 580
Inman Mills, SC 622 50 777
Lawndale 139 19 575
Fingerville, SC 796 14 801
Edneyville 720 16 612
Forest City 2,574 35 578
Saluda 43 2 656
Fairforest, SC 299 22 788
Gilkey 131 8 580
Higgins 420 22 585
High Shoals 1,456 19 580
Dysartsville 743 26 567
Rutherford County 13,384 20 583
Upper Fork 200 21 588
Cleveland County 18,839 19 584
Silver Creek 1,609 15 580
Polkville 82 18 582
Burke County 16,382 18 586
Kings Mountain 2,150 20 587

Advanced Education levels in Cool Spring, NC implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Cool Spring 900 8 579
Waco 7 3 571
Earl 22 13 574
Cliffside 18 5 639
Mayo, SC 391 10 795
Boiling Springs, SC 2,280 15 807
Brackett 0 0 611
Shelby 2,034 14 584
Arcadia, SC 348 30 779
Bostic 21 7 578
Macedonia, SC 627 11 787
Saratt, SC 98 4 773
Ruth 13 5 577
Tryon 695 21 607
Kingstown 27 5 576
Central Pacolet, SC 0 0 770
Forest City 462 9 578
Glenwood 274 12 583
Rutherford County 4,750 10 583
Valley Falls, SC 336 12 810
Rutherfordton 1,186 12 594