
Understand the socioeconomic Factors around your Goose Creek, North Carolina home to save money on your homeowners insurance rate.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Goose Creek, NC the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Goose Creek 11252 3 617
China Grove 18,852 9 589
Fort Mill, SC 37,367 4 856
Wesley Chapel 5,275 3 647
Tyson 2,084 4 586
Riverbend 21,046 7 596
Litaker 9,668 4 592
Sandy Ridge 31,779 4 665
Unionville 4,617 3 617
Ruby, SC 273 1 786
Wadesboro 6,788 9 577
Catawba, SC 915 9 837
Red Cross 609 8 599
Furr 8,014 7 595
Big Lick 4,394 9 592
Peachland 527 11 577
Jackson 8,526 6 611
India Hook, SC 2,765 8 818
Belmont 8,044 5 599
Matthews 21,190 5 620
Midland 2,644 8 607

Better incomes in Goose Creek, NC lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Goose Creek 28,361 617
Anson County 16,694 575
Huntersville 38,556 628
Catawba, SC 20,782 837
Stallings 34,468 619
Lake Wylie, SC 39,718 879
Polkton 6,904 570
Buford 22,707 599
Lancaster County, SC 20,899 811
Wadesboro 16,864 577
Unionville 27,071 617
White Store 15,511 597
Furr 23,161 595
Tega Cay, SC 39,761 876
Lancaster, SC 17,900 801
Morgan 22,418 595
Ridenhour 24,521 597
Cornelius 49,320 635
Mount Pleasant 25,571 607
New Salem 21,919 598
Pineville 22,572 603

More poverty in Goose Creek, NC means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Goose Creek 887 6 617
Polkton 392 28 570
Furr 1,412 13 595
Oakboro 183 9 600
Peachland 187 30 577
Cabarrus County 21,327 12 605
Ridenhour 142 5 597
Mount Croghan, SC 483 21 778
Stanfield 80 4 605
Harrisburg 665 5 622
Norwood 601 23 589
Millingport 36 4 577
Newport, SC 181 4 827
Kannapolis 7,649 18 594
Fort Mill, SC 3,416 6 856
Riverview, SC 0 0 858
Tradesville, SC 756 19 803
Litaker 1,951 16 592
Ruby, SC 22 6 786
Landis 679 21 584
Pineville 1,805 24 603

Advanced Education levels in Goose Creek, NC implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Goose Creek 1956 20 617
Oakboro 183 14 600
Mount Holly 1,768 19 598
Rock Hill, SC 11,474 15 814
Matthews 5,636 30 620
Lanes Creek 70 4 596
Polkton 43 1 570
Marvin 1,168 38 744
Peachland 28 6 577
Ruby, SC 26 11 786
Lanesboro 235 5 579
Ansonville 69 5 578
Riverbend 2,763 14 596
Gulledge 104 6 575
Newport, SC 553 19 827
Aquadale 75 20 582
Cramerton 694 23 597
Landis 310 13 584
Mount Croghan, SC 62 3 778
Mount Pleasant 130 12 607
Almond 204 9 584