
Get a wider perspective on the Center Grove, North Carolina home insurance market to save your money.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Center Grove, NC the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Center Grove 5713 6 643
Horse Pasture, VA 1,627 8 699
Stokes County 38,095 6 587
Alamance 646 2 641
Greensboro 216,502 7 597
Jamestown 2,831 2 617
Pelham 2,629 5 575
Trinity 21,032 5 592
Yanceyville 3,135 7 581
Glen Raven 1,906 2 591
Horsepasture, VA 6,928 5 694
New Market 5,342 6 590
Liberty 4,166 8 590
Walnut Cove 1,278 5 594
Stokesdale 3,785 6 610
McLeansville 726 1 598
Eden 12,470 7 575
Sedalia 601 9 591
Forsyth County 275,896 6 598
Mayo 5,764 9 578
New Bethel 5,670 5 605

Better incomes in Center Grove, NC lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Center Grove 38,226 643
Pelham 20,106 575
Haw River 18,954 579
Eden 17,183 575
Alamance 37,049 641
Winston 24,569 594
Beaver Island 19,924 579
Locust Hill 21,372 587
Sandy Level, VA 14,488 686
Wallburg 26,466 599
Woodlawn 42,820 624
Gibsonville 25,902 604
Thomasville 20,610 587
Ruffin 20,008 581
Simpsonville 25,854 588
High Point 22,729 597
Belews Creek 27,894 604
Old Town 30,919 575
Stokesdale 28,532 610
Altamahaw 21,670 577
Horsepasture, VA 19,099 694

More poverty in Center Grove, NC means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Center Grove 711 9 643
Leaksville 4,177 20 578
Horsepasture, VA 1,852 22 694
Level Cross 771 20 570
Midway 1,082 8 596
Sauratown 1,262 21 581
Mebane 1,545 13 598
Winston-Salem 48,598 22 594
Meadows 533 10 594
Broadbay 124 7 593
Williamsburg 894 19 582
Randleman 1,972 21 589
Pleasant Garden 663 14 605
Winston 48,598 22 594
Glen Raven 176 7 591
Friendship 905 10 601
Walnut Cove 369 25 594
Franklinville 1,929 19 579
Alamance 28 3 641
Tobaccoville 285 10 597
Deep River 792 4 617

Advanced Education levels in Center Grove, NC implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Center Grove 1429 29 643
Pleasant Garden 464 13 605
Whitsett 71 14 592
Germanton 93 15 591
Sedalia 57 10 591
Sandy Level, VA 9 3 686
Belews Creek 765 16 604
Back Creek 741 20 595
Midway 1,192 13 596
Horsepasture, VA 394 6 694
Mayo 362 7 578
Gilmer 6,097 13 585
Bruce 2,183 32 653
Henry County, VA 2,949 7 695
Level Cross 106 4 570
High Point 13,787 20 597
Franklinville 625 9 579
Stoneville 87 9 573
Danbury 84 9 580
Madison 391 6 576
Winston 29,553 20 594