
A Look at what important things contribute to your Jackson, North Carolina Home Insurance rates which can support you in getting a cheap quote.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Jackson, NC the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Jackson 8526 6 611
Chesterfield County, SC 36,426 6 784
Chester, SC 2,330 7 791
Cabarrus County 135,476 7 605
Fort Mill, SC 37,367 4 856
Ruby, SC 273 1 786
Mecklenburg County 715,766 7 609
Ranlo 2,554 7 584
Huntersville 34,575 5 628
Harrisburg 8,122 4 622
Heath Springs, SC 4,372 8 802
Weddington 7,313 5 675
Stanfield 1,315 8 605
Lake Wylie, SC 6,820 4 879
McConnells, SC 2,932 10 804
Lancaster County, SC 60,588 8 811
Bethune, SC 1,946 7 782
Chester County, SC 26,049 8 787
Unionville 4,617 3 617
Lowell 3,048 10 588
Sharon, SC 327 14 785

Better incomes in Jackson, NC lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Jackson 23,834 611
Lanes Creek 22,562 596
Fort Lawn, SC 21,212 788
Gastonia 20,601 587
Wingate 16,149 594
Camden, SC 17,003 795
White Store 15,511 597
Tega Cay, SC 39,761 876
Sharon, SC 16,056 785
Lowell 24,682 588
Stallings 34,468 619
Weddington 48,768 675
Aquadale 20,849 582
Heath Springs, SC 17,277 802
Lancaster, SC 17,900 801
Winnsboro, SC 22,041 778
Pineville 22,572 603
Anson County 16,694 575
Lowrys, SC 24,225 792
Ranlo 19,830 584
Stanfield 24,666 605

More poverty in Jackson, NC means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Jackson 1032 9 611
White Store 35 8 597
Mint Hill 1,779 7 616
Lancaster County, SC 15,581 20 811
Mount Croghan, SC 483 21 778
Bethune, SC 615 23 782
Indian Trail 2,105 6 609
Clover, SC 3,257 10 829
Polkton 392 28 570
McAdenville 57 10 606
Wesley Chapel 144 1 647
Eureka Mill, SC 452 24 788
Buford 1,457 14 599
Ranlo 305 9 584
Kershaw County, SC 9,862 16 799
Heath Springs, SC 1,611 27 802
Chesterfield County, SC 11,189 24 784
Marshville 1,075 12 591
Pageland, SC 2,811 28 791
Sharon, SC 69 16 785
Gayle Mill, SC 415 50 770

Advanced Education levels in Jackson, NC implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Jackson 1633 22 611
Marvin 1,168 38 744
Lowell 217 7 588
Oakboro 183 14 600
Sharon, SC 11 3 785
Wesley Chapel 1,312 28 647
York, SC 1,833 11 810
Spencer Mountain 0 0 549
Van Wyck, SC 3,549 25 853
White Store 12 4 597
Chester, SC 161 7 791
Mount Holly 1,768 19 598
Kershaw County, SC 4,981 11 799
Lanes Creek 70 4 596
Gastonia 7,410 13 587
Tyson 132 7 586
Eureka Mill, SC 79 6 788
Anson County 1,071 5 575
Indian Trail 4,919 24 609
Waxhaw 2,265 38 626
Catawba, SC 80 11 837