
Your Glen Raven, NC Neighborhood & location are big factors in your home insurance costs so make sure you see many quotes before you buy.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Glen Raven, NC the costlier the insurance

City Unemploymed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Glen Raven 1906 2 591
Level Cross 3,100 12 570
Columbia 5,568 4 583
Gibsonville 5,103 6 604
Hickory Mountain 1,968 3 612
Mangum 8,094 1 631
Ruffin 4,745 7 581
Durham 182,153 5 607
Rock Creek 9,230 6 604
Sedalia 601 9 591
Burlington 39,670 6 588
Dan River 2,260 7 577
Hadley 2,440 2 633
Jamestown 2,831 2 617
Staley 386 8 582
Franklinville 7,639 7 579
Baldwin 6,166 4 628
Hightowers 1,788 2 584
High Point 80,299 7 597
Liberty 4,166 8 590
Bushy Fork 1,936 2 589

Better incomes in Glen Raven, NC lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Glen Raven 21298 591
Rougemont 53,181 592
Sumner 26,568 599
Center Grove 38,226 643
Durham 27,748 607
Saxapahaw 23,576 590
Stokesdale 28,532 610
Ruffin 20,008 581
McLeansville 17,405 598
Sandy Level, VA 14,488 686
Jamestown 43,204 617
Woodlawn 42,820 624
Archdale 24,202 594
Huntsville 21,670 585
Bushy Fork 24,231 589
Level Cross 18,499 570
New Market 31,765 590
Sedalia 21,115 591
Jefferson 24,921 595
Locust Hill 21,372 587
Pittsboro 26,902 613

More poverty in Glen Raven, NC means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Glen Raven 176 7 591
Chapel Hill 15,391 19 668
Leaksville 4,177 20 578
Orange County 21,591 17 634
Caswell County 4,586 20 581
Reidsville 3,469 17 582
Leasburg 205 15 582
Hightowers 137 6 584
Mebane 1,545 13 598
Ruffin 1,218 21 581
Lebanon 955 5 611
Graham 2,924 20 588
McLeansville 98 11 598
Huntsville 653 11 585
Fentress 1,321 13 604
Williams 713 5 665
Swepsonville 18 1 596
Franklinville 1,929 19 579
Carrboro 3,129 16 662
Guilford County 80,219 16 600
Olive Hill 416 15 612

Advanced Education levels in Glen Raven, NC implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Glen Raven 288 19 591
Archdale 939 12 594
Pittsboro 564 21 613
Altamahaw 28 10 577
Rock Creek 1,462 18 604
Green Level 87 7 569
Wentworth 732 11 585
Sandy Level, VA 9 3 686
Clay 1,246 23 616
Columbia 386 7 583
Fearrington Village 954 36 655
Franklinville 625 9 579
Hightowers 101 5 584
Baldwin 1,431 25 628
Sedalia 57 10 591
New Market 563 11 590
Friendship 1,570 26 601
Hickory Mountain 234 12 612
Alamance County 15,355 15 592
Dan River 162 7 577
Carrboro 3,886 29 662