
Understand the socioeconomic Factors around your Dickinson, North Dakota home to save money on your homeowners insurance rate.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Dickinson, ND the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Dickinson 14648 1 874
Richland Center 7 0 806
Walker 14 0 805
Kennedy 35 0 880
Elk Creek 6 0 805
Stark County 19,863 1 874
Billings 474 7 822
Belfield 703 4 833
Rainy Butte 9 0 816
Central Hettinger 23 0 872
Solon 9 0 805
Slope County 624 1 828
Mott 633 1 826
Slope 20 0 864
West Stark 432 3 881
Clark 40 0 831
Madison 29 0 811
New England 513 0 837
Billings County 715 4 831
Sentinel Butte 28 7 788
Woodberry 24 0 806

Better incomes in Dickinson, ND lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Dickinson 28,253 874
Rainy Butte 17,822 816
Central Hettinger 119,269 872
Black Butte 18,415 828
Wolf Butte 24,957 863
Golden Valley County 25,458 839
Belfield 26,885 833
Star 29,571 806
Kunze 30,352 869
Morton 29,870 849
Hettinger County 26,723 838
Taylor 29,417 832
Central Adams 21,974 861
Chilton 23,309 805
Sentinel Butte 32,243 788
Steiner 21,343 788
Taylor Butte 34,329 799
Slope 16,265 864
Brittian 28,740 835
Tepee Butte 76,611 924
Dunn County 32,625 847

More poverty in Dickinson, ND means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Dickinson 1278 7 874
Steiner 0 0 788
Elk Creek 0 0 805
Stark County 1,831 7 874
New Leipzig 35 17 824
Amidon 3 10 819
Dunn Center 1 0 845
Dodge 28 26 828
Adams 0 0 805
Maine 0 0 866
Leipzig 0 0 834
Clark 3 5 831
Castle Rock 0 0 846
Cedar Creek 0 0 811
Golden Valley 0 0 1,257
Richland Center 0 0 806
Central Adams 7 16 861
West Stark 64 12 881
Mercer County 600 7 860
Moord 10 31 906
Billings 30 5 822

Advanced Education levels in Dickinson, ND implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Dickinson 2181 18 874
Peaceful Valley 5 22 785
Connor 18 43 835
Central Hettinger 0 0 872
Taylor Butte 0 0 799
Wagendorf 0 0 806
Morton 143 17 849
New Leipzig 13 7 824
Taylor 21 18 832
Billings County 119 18 831
New England 41 9 837
Sheets 5 100 806
Farina 0 0 847
Bullion 0 0 852
Central Adams 7 23 861
Star 0 0 806
Grainbelt 0 0 859
Black Butte 0 0 828
Dunn Center 4 4 845
Medora 38 30 875
Rifle 9 24 820