
Home location is a big driver of your Wahpeton, North Dakota insurance rates so getting quotes from top companies will keep your costs down.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Wahpeton, ND the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Wahpeton 6395 2 857
Carlisle, MN 135 3 1,013
Western, MN 89 0 986
Holy Cross, MN 123 4 1,027
Christine 127 0 854
Oxbow 215 1 927
Duerr 126 1 830
Lidgerwood 623 3 823
Doran, MN 29 0 941
Rosholt, SD 368 4 642
Barrie 128 8 909
Aurdal, MN 1,277 3 1,030
Elizabeth, MN 599 1 1,047
Wyndmere 395 4 839
Tanberg, MN 74 0 979
End 12 0 1,003
Nashua, MN 74 13 949
Summit 164 3 869
Atherton, MN 83 1 987
Devillo 34 0 958
Nansen 68 4 835

Better incomes in Wahpeton, ND lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Wahpeton 24,861 857
Ibsen 36,034 919
Orwell, MN 26,885 1,016
Hankinson 23,855 830
Wyndmere 22,562 839
Moran 14,187 819
Brandenburg 26,615 833
Prairie View, MN 28,042 1,021
Brandrup, MN 23,191 1,014
Humboldt, MN 30,620 1,015
Nilsen, MN 29,097 1,024
Roberts, MN 32,458 990
Rothsay, MN 20,611 961
Fairmount 27,313 825
Erhards Grove, MN 22,594 1,006
Waldo 17,867 866
Duerr 34,874 830
Mitchell, MN 41,565 1,013
Dwight 36,976 880
Colfax 31,188 883
Trondhjem, MN 25,016 1,005

More poverty in Wahpeton, ND means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Wahpeton 1017 14 857
Erhard, MN 11 9 961
Norwegian Grove, MN 14 4 1,028
Pelican Rapids, MN 697 27 971
Lien, SD 9 8 623
Tanberg, MN 2 1 979
Rosholt, SD 24 6 642
Humboldt, MN 3 1 1,015
Eagle 17 7 876
Lidgerwood 116 16 823
Aastad, MN 5 2 1,010
Wyndmere 66 12 839
Great Bend 11 15 854
Aurdal, MN 103 6 1,030
Rothsay, MN 54 11 961
Erhards Grove, MN 38 8 1,006
Friberg, MN 29 3 1,024
Brandenburg 20 14 833
Foxhome, MN 22 20 971
Kindred 21 3 861
North Ottawa, MN 4 7 984

Advanced Education levels in Wahpeton, ND implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Wahpeton 651 14 857
Moran 0 0 819
Connelly, MN 16 24 990
Summit 34 23 869
Homestead 25 50 973
Erhards Grove, MN 29 8 1,006
Waldo 0 0 866
End 5 50 1,003
LaMars 6 25 816
Wolverton, MN 14 16 1,018
Campbell, MN 8 5 934
Carlisle, MN 15 12 1,013
Tanberg, MN 0 0 979
Oscar, MN 29 27 1,038
Holy Cross, MN 18 16 1,027
Champion, MN 12 24 975
Monson, MN 7 8 967
Brandenburg 19 27 833
Deerhorn, MN 5 9 1,008
Dwight 40 23 880
Colfax 30 21 883