
Your location in Golden Valley County, North Dakota impacts your home insurance rate & you need to account for this when you get quotes & buy insurance.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Golden Valley County, ND the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Golden Valley County 1316 1 839
Arnegard 153 0 845
Delhi 39 0 911
South Heart 179 4 850
McKenzie County 5,100 2 856
Sunny Slope 9 0 806
Clark 40 0 831
Belfield 703 4 833
Henry 5 0 805
Adelaide 28 0 805
Marmarth 139 0 822
Glendive, MT 1,555 2 759
Cash 17 0 806
Talbot 120 0 859
Nebo 10 30 1,074
Bullion 20 0 852
Strehlow 11 0 830
Stillwater 24 0 864
Antelope Creek 27 0 806
Terry, MT 874 4 739
Dickinson 307 0 852

Better incomes in Golden Valley County, ND lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Golden Valley County 25,458 839
Nebo 73,310 1,074
Randolph 56,148 840
Bowman 69,349 830
Strehlow 45,709 830
Terry, MT 18,229 739
Bullion 20,504 852
Killdeer 28,645 845
Slope County 27,276 828
Mineral Springs 21,150 849
Saddle Butte 54,773 806
Gem 17,620 806
Richland Center 27,014 806
Cash 14,141 806
Stark County 29,209 874
Stillwater 38,154 864
Sunny Slope 51,367 806
Glendive, MT 28,402 759
Sentinel 29,757 851
Billings 34,976 822
Wibaux County, MT 26,485 738

More poverty in Golden Valley County, ND means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Golden Valley County 202 12 839
Richey, MT 154 15 746
Rhame 27 18 831
West Stark 64 12 881
Belfield 100 11 833
Star 0 0 806
Plevna, MT 14 3 736
Talbot 8 5 859
Crawford 0 0 809
Slope 4 5 801
Billings 30 5 822
Bucklin 0 0 844
Gem 0 0 806
Nebo 2 20 1,074
Kunze 0 0 869
Glendive, MT 165 8 759
Slope County 78 10 828
Deep Creek 0 0 876
Wibaux, MT 115 16 738
Wibaux County, MT 115 13 738
Saddle Butte 0 0 806

Advanced Education levels in Golden Valley County, ND implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Golden Valley County 186 16 839
Kennedy 11 31 880
Medora 38 30 875
Knife River, MT 16 7 755
Randolph 2 8 840
Killdeer 95 14 845
Sentinel Butte 9 32 788
Grainbelt 0 0 859
Mineral Springs 3 9 849
Pearl 0 0 806
Sidney, MT 612 12 765
Carroll 0 0 873
South Heart 33 21 850
Star 0 0 806
Woodberry 5 31 806
Cash 4 23 806
Billings 72 17 822
Central Slope 4 100 806
Moord 0 0 906
Rhame 19 16 831
Slope 7 18 801