
Study the bigger picture of the Pawnee City, NE home insurance market so you can think like an insurance company & get a great deal.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Pawnee City, NE the costlier the insurance

City Unemploymed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Pawnee City 696 1 905
Corning, KS 119 0 958
Burr 34 0 911
Mitchell, KS 219 0 1,021
Muddy 306 10 903
Sabetha, KS 2,109 0 969
Frankfort, KS 571 4 953
Dawson 119 5 887
Brock 118 6 897
Lewiston 71 0 894
Beatrice 9,729 4 932
Nemaha County 5,878 4 929
Berwick, KS 287 0 1,040
Paddock 306 4 925
Reserve, KS 40 15 931
Home, KS 378 0 954
Holmesville 63 0 896
Baileyville, KS 148 0 974
Bedford 162 7 924
Barada 129 0 918
Murray, KS 453 0 971

Better incomes in Pawnee City, NE lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Pawnee City 21692 905
Falls City 21,615 909
Lorton 18,672 904
Tecumseh 19,256 911
Brock 13,739 897
Axtell, KS 22,413 958
Morrill, KS 18,555 951
Oneida, KS 22,421 941
Dawson 25,868 887
Island Grove 22,733 956
Midland 29,465 966
Baileyville, KS 24,415 974
Riverside 26,013 987
Brownville 28,710 937
Capioma, KS 29,094 1,029
Bern, KS 18,934 963
St. Bridget, KS 18,751 953
Frankfort, KS 19,861 953
Summerfield, KS 19,935 963
Sicily 30,005 1,016
Reserve, KS 21,040 931

More poverty in Pawnee City, NE means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Pawnee City 139 18 905
Mitchell, KS 16 4 1,021
Odell 62 17 894
Frankfort, KS 125 18 953
Dawson 11 8 887
Osage 0 0 1,228
Seneca, KS 264 14 985
Filley 19 6 947
Todd Creek 17 9 912
Bern, KS 23 11 963
Brownville 19 5 937
Pawnee County 388 14 906
Cook 66 17 911
Reserve, KS 16 34 931
Sterling 92 10 924
Peru 129 17 903
Corning, KS 3 2 958
Oneida, KS 7 10 941
Porter 22 15 984
Nemaha County, KS 1,174 12 973
Barada 0 0 918

Advanced Education levels in Pawnee City, NE implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Pawnee City 57 9 905
Talmage 9 6 903
Helena 19 7 918
Riverside 90 24 987
Bedford 31 20 924
Home, KS 48 14 954
Porter 7 7 984
Table Rock 32 19 883
Rock, KS 3 5 974
Marysville, KS 240 10 974
Burr 1 3 911
Pawnee County 204 10 906
Nemaha County, KS 912 13 973
Nemaha County 843 17 929
Midland 50 14 966
Tecumseh 78 6 911
Benton 46 28 994
Maple Grove 2 2 1,016
East Muddy 23 12 884
Lewiston 11 18 894
Hendricks 65 20 911