
Get a wider perspective on the Cass County, Nebraska home insurance market to save your money.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Cass County, NE the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Cass County 19647 3 971
Weeping Water 816 4 954
Otoe County 12,352 3 949
Papillion 15,062 3 984
South Bend 47 6 930
LaPlatte I 1,899 2 1,001
Gilmore I 662 5 1,015
Lorton 43 0 904
Louisville 1,422 4 949
Millard 13,351 2 1,019
Syracuse 1,928 3 952
Richland VI 1,417 7 947
Lancaster 687 4 1,068
Mount Pleasant 164 5 939
Tabor, IA 896 0 650
Chicago 16,404 1 1,023
Russell 203 2 968
Bartlett, IA 10 0 602
Fairview 1,554 1 1,079
Richland I 825 2 957
Springfield 1,007 5 955

Better incomes in Cass County, NE lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Cass County 29,149 971
Richland III 29,105 958
Walton 47,368 1,001
Liberty 25,178 966
Green 29,462 985
Pacific Junction, IA 20,003 642
Branch 27,615 976
Syracuse 27,172 952
Wyoming 35,363 1,036
Gretna 30,127 984
Delaware 23,832 938
Murray 26,114 948
Highland I 37,734 979
Richland V 32,610 965
Lyons, IA 31,236 655
Millard 39,755 1,019
Plattville, IA 29,502 649
South Bend 34,640 930
Richland VI 23,785 947
Rock Bluff 32,259 985
Thurman, IA 22,349 640

More poverty in Cass County, NE means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Cass County 1394 5 971
Liberty 32 6 966
Tabor, IA 115 9 650
Murray 16 3 948
Chicago 821 3 1,023
La Vista 1,353 8 970
Rock Bluff 56 2 985
Alvo 28 26 916
Thurman, IA 29 17 640
Bellevue Second II 39 0 1,047
South Bend 5 9 930
Papillion Second I 290 4 1,019
Stevens Creek 71 8 1,023
Ashland 194 7 964
Marble 92 24 974
Delaware 38 12 938
Woodland Hills 4 1 1,063
Russell 0 0 968
Richland VIII 480 4 1,012
McWilliams 22 5 908
Manley 14 8 951

Advanced Education levels in Cass County, NE implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Cass County 2837 16 971
Green 22 10 985
Liberty 55 13 966
Papillion Second I 1,570 40 1,019
Percival, IA 0 0 602
Douglas 1,178 21 959
Unadilla 26 9 939
Fairview 381 27 1,079
Palmyra 80 20 930
Rock Bluff 233 17 985
Belmont 27 10 968
Gretna 782 24 984
Otoe County 1,599 14 949
Papillion 3,243 25 984
Ashland 412 21 964
Murray 48 13 948
Tipton 252 18 970
Murdock 15 9 942
South Bend 6 13 930
Forest City No. 2 466 28 995
Thurman, IA 11 9 640