
Home location is a big driver of your Saline County, Nebraska insurance rates so getting quotes from top companies will keep your costs down.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Saline County, NE the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Saline County 11188 4 931
Belle Prairie 45 0 971
Plymouth 449 1 932
Fillmore County 4,713 1 917
Tamora 51 0 1,077
Highland 674 7 942
Firth 448 0 940
Alexandria 316 1 903
Strang 22 0 940
Wilber 1,422 3 930
Riverside 429 0 987
Dorchester 632 1 943
Ohiowa 66 3 875
Hickman 1,132 3 977
Gilead 15 0 938
Belvidere 33 0 886
De Witt 459 4 920
Cordova 74 0 897
Beatrice 9,729 4 932
Exeter-Fairmont Consolidated 1,039 1 911
Cortland 418 6 943

Better incomes in Saline County, NE lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Saline County 21,455 931
Reynolds 16,171 917
Riverside 26,013 987
Saltillo 30,045 979
Big Blue 48,656 859
Cub Creek 22,502 917
Gibson 47,602 896
Fairbury 21,489 917
Alexandria 18,515 903
Lancaster County 26,925 969
Plymouth 27,227 932
Blakely 42,839 1,009
Olive 20,812 915
Bruning 25,829 905
Gage County 23,951 939
Pickrell 26,674 928
Eureka 24,968 904
Belvidere 15,546 886
Elk 36,642 1,046
Garland 27,137 948
Brush Creek 26,925 879

More poverty in Saline County, NE means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Saline County 2058 15 931
Jansen 7 5 894
Precinct 106 11 941
Pickrell 12 6 928
Lancaster County 38,978 14 969
McCool Junction 13 3 937
Sprague 31 17 944
Hallam 11 6 978
Waco 22 6 942
Exeter-Fairmont Consolidated 118 10 911
Hickman 152 9 977
Clatonia 15 3 922
Diller 28 14 906
Riverside 12 2 987
Gibson 16 15 896
Elk 56 4 1,046
Chelsea 0 0 971
Leroy 14 6 952
Fairmont 42 8 906
Milligan 42 11 891
Middle Creek 45 4 1,035

Advanced Education levels in Saline County, NE implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Saline County 701 8 931
Gage County 2,170 14 939
Swanton 5 7 923
Fork 11 16 940
Leroy 29 19 952
Beatrice 1,182 13 932
Holt 28 11 965
Dorchester 63 11 943
Fillmore County 559 13 917
Clatonia 13 4 922
Momence 7 15 933
Exeter 73 16 910
Belle Prairie 15 33 971
Jansen 8 7 894
Grant 415 32 1,071
Daykin 14 11 900
Pickrell 13 11 928
Strang 7 31 940
Big Blue 0 0 859
McCool Junction 41 16 937
Milford 214 17 959