
Home location is a big driver of your South Sioux City, Nebraska insurance rates so getting quotes from top companies will keep your costs down.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in South Sioux City, NE the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
South Sioux City 9559 4 936
Dakota County 15,603 3 935
Thurston County 4,691 9 909
Craig, IA 31 6 634
Thurston 82 2 889
Hubbard 364 1 943
Emerson 641 3 903
Woodbury County, IA 77,977 3 653
Big Sioux, SD 2,505 2 724
Homer 427 1 938
Omadi 791 2 949
Jefferson, SD 559 0 720
Le Mars, IA 7,726 2 669
Spink, SD 115 9 683
Richland, SD 162 0 732
Sioux City, IA 63,182 4 651
Dixon 57 0 902
Flournoy 203 0 918
Silvercreek 85 2 945
Akron, IA 1,147 1 651
Elk Point, SD 1,531 2 661

Better incomes in South Sioux City, NE lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
South Sioux City 17,372 936
Wolf Creek, IA 27,024 671
America, IA 27,775 666
Fork, IA 26,380 641
Akron, IA 21,900 651
Hunter 16,985 935
Anderson 13,034 929
Struble, IA 26,140 676
Woodbury, IA 31,310 703
Civil Bend, SD 37,979 674
Oto, IA 21,106 628
Lawton, IA 24,275 686
Winnebago 11,025 916
Westfield, IA 31,846 636
Ashton, IA 17,413 635
Hungerford, IA 31,118 687
Homer 22,115 938
Springbank 22,011 923
Dawes 20,028 891
Rodney, IA 15,952 638
Concord 21,517 910

More poverty in South Sioux City, NE means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
South Sioux City 2452 18 936
Rodney, IA 6 7 638
Dakota County 3,278 15 935
Dixon 9 15 902
Garfield, IA 123 7 656
Wolf Creek, IA 0 0 671
Le Mars, IA 499 5 669
Fork, IA 5 1 641
Lakeport, IA 0 0 1,272
Thurston 7 7 889
Maskell 4 3 906
Winnebago 655 33 916
Merrill, IA 39 5 651
Hooker 4 1 909
Plymouth, IA 61 6 669
Leslie 7 9 900
Struble, IA 0 0 676
Correctionville, IA 233 25 631
Ponca 47 4 920
Spink, SD 5 3 683
Dakota City 200 10 935

Advanced Education levels in South Sioux City, NE implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
South Sioux City 497 6 936
America, IA 901 13 666
Miller, IA 29 10 649
Bronson, IA 37 15 665
Sergeant Bluff, IA 724 26 697
St. Johns 47 8 967
Richland, SD 13 8 732
Macy 12 3 887
Remsen, IA 169 13 652
Maskell 4 5 906
Craig, IA 4 16 634
Portland, IA 174 13 660
Big Sioux, SD 627 27 724
Hubbard 41 12 943
Thurston County 364 9 909
Blackbird 12 2 903
Winnebago 62 7 916
Whiting, IA 84 17 636
Oto, IA 17 10 628
Rodney, IA 0 0 638
Covington 100 7 951