
Your location in Sullivan County, New Hampshire impacts your home insurance rate & you need to account for this when you get quotes & buy insurance.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Sullivan County, NH the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Sullivan County 35671 3 686
Newbury 1,727 3 722
Salisbury 1,021 4 702
Antrim 2,154 3 690
Canaan 3,243 6 683
Hill 942 4 690
Weathersfield, VT 2,336 2 713
Unity 1,457 2 692
Rockingham, VT 4,349 7 706
Springfield 1,025 2 702
Sullivan 559 7 694
Gilsum 491 7 692
Hopkinton 4,534 4 722
Newport 5,253 3 678
Windsor County, VT 46,775 3 728
Keene 20,247 7 691
Wilmot 1,135 6 735
Lempster 947 6 680
Stoddard 828 2 701
Reading, VT 513 3 745
Croydon 530 2 693

Better incomes in Sullivan County, NH lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Sullivan County 28,045 686
Westmoreland 30,462 716
Springfield, VT 22,691 704
Alstead 26,609 687
New London 37,596 747
Danbury 24,353 692
Grafton, VT 36,747 720
Westminster, VT 33,612 718
Contoocook 33,261 720
Cavendish, VT 24,591 713
Unity 24,907 692
Lempster 23,881 680
Brookline, VT 25,877 729
Proctorsville, VT 22,781 714
North Westminster, VT 27,699 705
Merrimack County 31,355 704
Bradford 31,565 708
Windham, VT 39,866 722
Cheshire County 27,936 694
Hopkinton 40,580 722
Chester, VT 34,395 716

More poverty in Sullivan County, NH means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Sullivan County 4384 10 686
Gilsum 57 10 692
Ludlow, VT 296 14 727
Ascutney, VT 47 9 709
Norwich, VT 222 6 779
Dorchester 32 9 677
Unity 80 5 692
Wilmot 85 6 735
Baltimore, VT 21 8 711
Acworth 59 8 684
Mount Holly, VT 88 8 724
Hill 56 4 690
Charlestown 89 10 676
Westmoreland 66 3 716
Merrimack County 12,401 8 704
Hartland, VT 191 5 747
Boscawen 470 13 689
Pomfret, VT 38 4 766
Chester, VT 226 7 716
Proctorsville, VT 63 13 714
Perkinsville, VT 8 5 702

Advanced Education levels in Sullivan County, NH implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Sullivan County 5028 15 686
Andover 303 15 702
Keene 3,237 23 691
Grafton, VT 76 18 720
Windsor County, VT 7,893 18 728
Plainfield 538 30 724
Croydon 88 17 693
Wilmot 213 21 735
Westminster, VT 339 14 718
Cheshire County 9,799 19 694
Putney, VT 369 22 728
Cavendish, VT 172 15 713
Ludlow, VT 303 19 727
Hill 68 8 690
Sullivan 70 14 694
Hancock 417 31 723
Charlestown 13 1 676
Rockingham, VT 354 9 706
Merrimack County 21,252 20 704
Stoddard 110 14 701
Warner 476 23 716