
Your home location & surrounding characteristics count a lot towards your Keene, New Hampshire Home rate. Use it to get a good deal.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Keene, NH the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Keene 20247 7 691
Charlestown 728 0 676
Westmoreland 1,795 1 716
Athens, VT 335 8 690
Westminster, VT 2,641 4 718
Newport 5,253 3 678
Stoddard 828 2 701
Colrain, MA 1,391 5 1,009
Chesterfield 3,008 3 718
Cheshire County 63,919 6 694
Baldwinville, MA 1,643 4 1,020
Newfane, VT 1,454 2 724
Wendell, MA 924 6 1,008
Turners Falls, MA 3,819 7 1,008
Springfield, VT 374 0 704
Jacksonville, VT 216 0 721
Phillipston, MA 1,528 7 1,015
Gill, MA 1,338 2 1,020
Harrisville 765 2 710
Marlboro, VT 998 5 745
Winchendon, MA 8,090 3 1,016

Better incomes in Keene, NH lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Keene 26,432 691
Lempster 23,881 680
Sharon 39,657 738
Wilmington, VT 33,036 736
Franklin County, MA 28,841 1,017
Hinsdale 23,098 674
Goshen 31,129 693
Ashburnham, MA 35,060 1,023
Marlboro, VT 23,499 745
Halifax, VT 29,193 717
Gill, MA 31,622 1,020
Brattleboro, VT 27,072 720
Bernardston, MA 27,386 1,021
Winchester 22,830 673
Bellows Falls, VT 17,725 710
Stoddard 31,697 701
Fitzwilliam 30,995 689
Greenville 23,917 679
Bradford 31,565 708
Francestown 39,480 727
Hillsborough 24,157 699

More poverty in Keene, NH means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Keene 3511 17 691
Millers Falls, MA 201 21 1,002
Saxtons River, VT 160 29 715
Vernon, VT 183 8 729
Deering 195 10 693
Antrim 110 4 690
Northfield, MA 142 4 1,022
Hinsdale 384 9 674
Franklin County, MA 8,345 11 1,017
Goshen 89 11 693
Baldwinville, MA 42 2 1,020
Acworth 59 8 684
Unity 80 5 692
Brookline, VT 46 7 729
Sharon 20 5 738
Chester, VT 226 7 716
Warwick, MA 63 9 1,003
Hancock 77 4 723
Bradford 66 4 708
Wilton 262 7 703
Charlestown 89 10 676

Advanced Education levels in Keene, NH implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Keene 3237 23 691
Stoddard 110 14 701
Turners Falls, MA 447 13 1,008
Dublin 248 21 725
Ashburnham, MA 863 20 1,023
Brookline, VT 104 23 729
Peterborough 1,400 30 706
Baldwinville, MA 235 16 1,020
Greenfield Town, MA 1,981 15 1,002
Sullivan County 5,028 15 686
Erving, MA 170 14 1,005
Bennington 157 17 692
Jacksonville, VT 16 8 721
Dummerston, VT 329 21 733
Leyden, MA 127 23 1,019
Washington 125 14 704
Millers Falls, MA 86 14 1,002
Jamaica, VT 116 19 731
Winchendon, MA 824 11 1,016
Gilsum 56 12 692
Nelson 188 34 711