
Your Lopatcong Overlook, NJ Neighborhood & location are big factors in your home insurance costs so make sure you see many quotes before you buy.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Lopatcong Overlook, NJ the costlier the insurance

City Unemploymed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Lopatcong Overlook 642 2 814
Lopatcong 6,137 2 834
Mount Hermon 107 4 836
North Catasauqua, PA 2,377 4 736
Knowlton 2,356 3 856
Alpha 1,982 5 815
Bangor, PA 4,255 7 729
Liberty 2,339 6 841
Holland 4,234 6 870
Finesville 82 4 726
Asbury 255 12 859
Hunterdon County 102,095 5 883
Stockertown, PA 669 4 753
Buttzville 73 0 817
Bloomsbury 561 10 845
Milford 946 5 845
Freemansburg, PA 1,996 6 730
Wind Gap, PA 2,313 2 732
Brookfield 817 3 850
Lebanon 5,016 5 899
Lower Mount Bethel, PA 2,705 4 736

Better incomes in Lopatcong Overlook, NJ lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Lopatcong Overlook 32506 814
Easton, PA 19,700 719
Knowlton 39,365 856
Palmer Heights, PA 31,045 751
Lower Mount Bethel, PA 28,583 736
Holland 46,142 870
Nockamixon, PA 31,718 806
Stockertown, PA 26,117 753
Riegelsville, PA 31,839 762
Roseto, PA 29,172 733
Old Orchard, PA 33,503 768
Portland, PA 23,830 733
Phillipsburg 22,360 809
Moore, PA 27,246 750
White 35,906 846
Brass Castle 32,065 840
Catasauqua, PA 24,156 715
Freemansburg, PA 24,382 730
New Village 38,387 822
Broadway 24,527 805
Stewartsville 25,203 828

More poverty in Lopatcong Overlook, NJ means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Lopatcong Overlook 46 5 814
Delaware Park 9 1 849
Alpha 190 7 815
Belfast, PA 69 5 730
Beattystown 450 10 843
Stockertown, PA 69 7 753
Port Colden 45 100 756
Buttzville 0 0 817
Freemansburg, PA 173 6 730
Broadway 0 0 805
Lower Saucon, PA 415 3 786
Holland 73 1 870
Pohatcong 170 5 827
Knowlton 124 4 856
Frenchtown 94 6 861
DeSales University, PA 4 40 656
Brookfield 46 5 850
Port Murray 0 0 756
Anderson 9 2 854
Brass Castle 92 5 840
Asbury 12 4 859

Advanced Education levels in Lopatcong Overlook, NJ implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Lopatcong Overlook 133 22 814
Upper Mount Bethel, PA 538 11 743
Lebanon 1,191 27 899
Nockamixon, PA 656 25 806
Broadway 15 9 805
Upper Stewartsville 50 19 878
Palmer Heights, PA 369 12 751
Martins Creek, PA 25 4 748
Frenchtown 222 20 861
Palmer, PA 2,694 18 762
Fountain Hill, PA 433 12 719
Buttzville 0 0 817
Lower Saucon, PA 2,059 26 786
Brainards 8 3 792
Plainfield, PA 707 16 760
East Bangor, PA 83 9 724
Catasauqua, PA 719 15 715
Hunterdon County 24,849 27 883
Bushkill, PA 1,080 19 778
Mountain Lake 85 15 823
Brookfield 69 8 850