
Your South Plainfield, New Jersey Neighborhood & location are big factors in your home insurance costs so make sure you see many quotes before you buy.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in South Plainfield, NJ the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
South Plainfield 19006 6 860
Ten Mile Run 1,372 4 948
Elizabeth 93,763 8 852
Sewaren 2,204 9 853
Mountainside 5,178 3 944
Roselle Park 10,832 9 852
Brownville 2,376 3 839
Bradley Gardens 10,612 5 886
Dayton 5,819 4 876
Madison Park 5,431 5 844
Martinsville 9,238 3 934
Blackwells Mills 349 3 756
Pleasant Plains 673 13 946
Manville 8,616 8 842
Franklin 50,185 5 858
Griggstown 627 1 890
Finderne 5,181 5 848
Fords 11,972 6 853
Perth Amboy 38,717 3 839
Edison 79,641 5 868
South Bound Brook 3,900 6 841

Better incomes in South Plainfield, NJ lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
South Plainfield 36,200 860
Roselle 26,324 832
Milltown 35,217 865
New Providence 55,198 938
Summit 74,511 991
South River 28,028 853
Green Knoll 51,849 894
Society Hill 34,973 868
Dayton 37,402 876
Berkeley Heights 59,524 937
Roselle Park 31,338 852
Madison 55,264 946
Hillsborough 45,571 880
South Brunswick 42,739 881
Aberdeen 39,109 852
Highland Park 42,414 869
Iselin 32,985 853
Millburn 88,118 1,050
Edison 38,575 868
South Bound Brook 33,280 841
Cliffwood Beach 26,799 838

More poverty in South Plainfield, NJ means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
South Plainfield 971 4 860
Westfield 794 2 950
Millburn 482 2 1,050
Elizabeth 23,070 18 852
Iselin 1,097 5 853
Chatham 422 4 978
Roselle Park 821 6 852
East Brunswick 1,870 3 871
Franklin Center 105 2 869
Bound Brook 907 8 844
Woodbridge 5,953 6 854
Florham Park 319 3 943
Long Hill 247 2 908
Manville 609 5 842
Laurence Harbor 290 4 835
Short Hills 306 2 1,062
Bridgewater 1,532 3 894
Aberdeen 1,097 6 852
Finderne 611 10 848
Helmetta 75 3 833
Warren 446 2 965

Advanced Education levels in South Plainfield, NJ implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
South Plainfield 3746 22 860
Brownville 517 25 839
Roselle Park 1,735 18 852
Zarephath 24 100 756
Metuchen 3,124 32 876
Millstone 101 21 887
Cranford 4,781 30 899
Port Reading 371 14 854
Franklin Park 3,176 33 839
Carteret 2,188 14 841
Highland Park 2,321 23 869
Madison 3,233 32 946
East Brunswick 10,287 31 871
Rahway 2,990 15 854
Irvington 3,562 10 828
Springfield 3,579 29 890
Finderne 1,026 22 848
Griggstown 55 10 890
Westfield 7,136 36 950
Middlesex 1,846 20 855
New Providence 2,684 32 938