
A Look at what matters in Esmeralda County, Nevada Home Insurance to help you focus on the right things to lower your quote.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Esmeralda County, NV the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Esmeralda County 809 6 598
Sunny Slopes, CA 154 0 567
Nipinnawasee, CA 493 0 588
Olancha, CA 169 0 569
Bridgeport, CA 353 3 618
Wawona, CA 98 0 600
Mono, CA 1,588 4 598
Tulare County, CA 314,754 8 595
Independence, CA 1,978 4 603
Nye County 35,988 7 620
Mesa, CA 373 10 611
Auberry, CA 1,819 3 591
Duckwater 265 3 596
Lee Vining, CA 251 0 602
Dyer 128 5 640
Fish Camp, CA 44 29 567
Orange Cove, CA 7,272 13 593
Goldfield 396 7 591
Furnace Creek, CA 138 0 574
Chalfant, CA 582 0 622
Churchill County 19,213 6 631

Better incomes in Esmeralda County, NV lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Esmeralda County 25,846 598
Duckwater 22,576 596
Cartago, CA 33,059 591
Bootjack, CA 26,362 595
Kennedy Meadows, CA 31,400 617
Alamo 26,758 648
Inyo County, CA 27,323 607
Squaw Valley, CA 24,307 594
Topaz Lake 25,435 644
Bishop, CA 37,099 645
Mammoth Lakes, CA 27,435 638
Furnace Creek, CA 31,959 574
Dyer 14,143 640
Big Pine, CA 25,692 602
Lone Pine, CA 20,402 593
Mono, CA 25,375 598
Woodlake, CA 11,643 590
Rachel 38,111 683
Orange Cove, CA 9,336 593
Mina 11,519 610
Churchill County 25,134 631

More poverty in Esmeralda County, NV means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Esmeralda County 215 24 598
Nipinnawasee, CA 13 2 588
Lone Pine, CA 421 15 593
Bass Lake, CA 114 15 606
Minkler, CA 232 22 607
Coleville, CA 0 0 567
Walker, CA 190 26 608
Auberry, CA 117 6 591
Crowley Lake, CA 37 5 599
Olancha, CA 0 0 569
Bishop, CA 160 5 645
Amargosa Valley 446 41 614
Yosemite Valley, CA 427 23 580
Aspen Springs, CA 0 0 567
Beatty 270 26 592
Mono City, CA 0 0 567
Lyon County 7,273 14 627
Fish Camp, CA 0 0 567
Mineral County 1,055 23 604
Smith Valley 168 11 658
Dyer 35 24 640

Advanced Education levels in Esmeralda County, NV implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Esmeralda County 71 9 598
Keeler, CA 21 19 581
Mono City, CA 38 58 567
Oakhurst, CA 173 9 603
Bridgeport, CA 56 16 618
Independence, CA 243 13 603
Amargosa Valley 60 8 614
Woodlake, CA 149 3 590
Gabbs 15 4 585
Chalfant, CA 59 10 622
Duckwater 34 13 596
Mesa, CA 33 11 611
Wawona, CA 7 7 600
Bootjack, CA 61 8 595
Ralston Valley 0 0 576
Bass Lake, CA 131 25 606
Cartago, CA 0 0 591
Hawthorne 166 5 611
Wilkerson, CA 79 16 617
Swall Meadows, CA 129 47 610
Coarsegold, CA 289 24 605