
See what's important for Ontario, New York Home Insurance to get a good deal from a top insurance company.

Higher the lower the unemployment rate in Ontario, NY the costlier the insurance

City Unemployed People % of people Unemployed Home Insurance ($)
Ontario 8097 3 599
Pittsford 23,438 2 619
Gorham 3,513 3 596
Lima 129 0 590
Arcadia 11,404 5 584
Honeoye Falls 2,067 3 599
Greece 78,917 4 592
Williamson 5,527 4 590
Bergen 2,535 6 588
Marion 3,802 6 591
Newark 7,226 6 585
Hall 140 0 595
Caledonia 3,508 4 592
Mendon 6,877 2 615
Victory 1,705 5 584
East Bloomfield 2,876 6 598
Fairport 4,307 5 603
Hemlock 298 0 588
Le Roy 5,984 2 591
Ontario County 86,775 4 595
Fayette 3,032 1 592

Better incomes in Ontario, NY lead to cheaper insurance rates

City Median Income Level ($) Home Insurance ($)
Ontario 29,634 599
Clifton Springs 24,995 593
Bloomfield 26,971 592
Sodus Point 32,593 590
Greece 27,831 592
Pittsford 53,552 619
Sterling 22,572 583
Hamlin 25,694 590
Brockport 18,102 591
Galen 22,252 581
Perinton 40,231 604
Huron 28,386 590
Lyons 20,590 579
Holley 20,602 585
Riga 27,770 592
Crystal Beach 30,037 596
Wayne County 25,251 588
Macedon 27,026 597
Spencerport 31,791 594
Fowlerville 22,651 592
Clarkson 24,789 595

More poverty in Ontario, NY means higher rates

City People Below Poverty Level % of People Below Poverty Level Home Insurance ($)
Ontario 661 6 599
Avon 276 3 595
Manchester 731 7 586
Spencerport 179 5 594
Sodus Point 65 7 590
Caledonia 249 5 592
Waterloo 715 9 583
Pultneyville 0 0 595
Churchville 148 7 591
Hemlock 0 0 588
Henrietta 4,291 11 595
Hall 0 0 595
Victory 245 11 584
Wheatland 262 5 591
East Bloomfield 140 3 598
Penfield 1,525 4 602
East Avon 0 0 588
Hilton 338 5 592
Sodus 1,314 16 586
Monroe County 104,712 14 594
Conquest 269 17 585

Advanced Education levels in Ontario, NY implies cheaper homeowners insurance

City Number of 18 years old & greater with college degree % of 18 years old & greater with college degree Home Insurance ($)
Ontario 1061 14 599
Montezuma 55 6 587
Waterloo 463 8 583
Sodus 536 9 586
Hemlock 56 20 588
Huron 134 9 590
Walworth 1,181 19 596
Tyre 55 9 586
Palmyra 769 13 587
Churchville 315 22 591
Macedon 1,216 19 597
Ontario County 13,182 17 595
Savannah 99 9 582
Avon 961 20 595
East Avon 78 35 588
Brighton 7,426 28 602
Hall 23 18 595
Fairport 1,033 26 603
Victory 95 6 584
Gorham 408 13 596
Caledonia 510 16 592